external-warzone-cheat copied to clipboard
Player position overlays way off
Updated the offsets and updated decryption but the player positions are way off... like they are all over the place but not at the players feet.
Can't tell if its something to do with the offsets or with how your rendering it onto the screen?
Any ideas?
Thanks! Really appreciate you sharing this.
namespace offsets
constexpr auto camera_base = 0x1416B000;
constexpr auto camera_pos = 0x1D8;
constexpr auto game_mode = 0x16BE0BE8;
constexpr auto local_index = 0x501C0;
constexpr auto name_array = 0x16F79F58;
constexpr auto name_array_padding = 0x4C70;
constexpr auto ref_def_ptr = 0x16F6ECB0;
constexpr auto score_base = 0x0;
constexpr auto weapon_definition = 0x1423E380;
constexpr auto client_info = 0x17224118;
constexpr auto client_base = 0x9DB88;
namespace bones
constexpr auto bone_base = 0x57CB4;
constexpr auto distribute = 0x195DA9E8;
constexpr auto size = 0x150;
constexpr auto visible = 0x5342240;
namespace directx
constexpr auto command_queue = 0x189B3D28;
constexpr auto swap_chain = 0x189B90A0;
namespace other
constexpr auto recoil = 0x23824;
namespace player
constexpr auto dead_1 = 0x14F4;
constexpr auto dead_2 = 0x430;
constexpr auto pos_info = 0x12D0;
constexpr auto size = 0x3AC0;
constexpr auto stance = 0x6A8;
constexpr auto team_id = 0x4B8;
constexpr auto valid = 0x614;
constexpr auto weapon_index = 0xF5A;
Not sure what the correct offsets are, I don’t play this game anymore. But if the esp is rendering off the player then sounds like a player position or w2s problem. Not really sure what you can do other then debug and double check offsets.
Not sure what the correct offsets are, I don’t play this game anymore. But if the esp is rendering off the player then sounds like a player position or w2s problem. Not really sure what you can do other then debug and double check offsets.
People seem to be constantly posting them over on this forum https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/call-of-duty-modern-warfare/355326-call-duty-modern-warfare-134.html
That's what i've been trying to look at, but tbh I've never done anything with game dev or cheats like this lol your on another level here buddy haha
I just decided to play with my buddies and there seems to be alot of cheaters right now so i'm trying to level the playing field if you know what I mean.
I'm also playing in 4k, i wonder if that has anything to do with it!
If you’ve never programmed before your gonna have a touch time trying to fix this. Check if the refdef structure has the correct screen resolution when it’s used in the w2s
I fixed it, I had the DPI on my monitors set to 150%, I set it to 100% and it works. I have no idea how I would compensate for that. My guess would be it has something to do with... https://github.com/NMan1/external-warzone-cheat/blob/aa4059f8d164efd468b2e15ef873b2e1a34ac393/modern_warfare/core/utils/vectors.h#L9
Did you changed anything esle? I have updated offset and sdk but the esp is not working
Did you changed anything esle? I have updated offset and sdk but the esp is not working
I changed a lot of stuff to be honest, but I ended up getting banned so quick