Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! 1. What did you do? If possible, provides a simple script and debug step to reproduce the problem. debug imi-project 2....
``` (node:29296) [DEP_WEBPACK_COMPILATION_ASSETS] DeprecationWarning: Compilation.assets will be frozen in future, all modifications are deprecated. BREAKING CHANGE: No more changes should happen to Compilation.assets after sealing the Compilation. Do changes to...
@liu21st 这是什么原因改了啊,现在产生兼容问题了。 ``` (new \app\Model\TestModel()) ->field(['create_time', new \think\db\Raw('id + 1 as test')]) ->limit(10) ->select(); (new \app\Model\TestModel()) ->where('create_time', '=', new \think\db\Raw('1+1')) ->limit(10) ->select(); (new \app\Model\TestModel()) ->where([ ['create_time', '=', new \think\db\Raw('1 +...
相对比现在的```__construct``` 加```__toString```组合灵活一些。
### 重大更改检查清单: - [ ] 新的`Lua`定义方式:src/Components/queue/src/Driver/RedisQueueDriver.php - [ ] 新的`Redis`注入方式并取消大部分 use 闭包的使用方式(不存在其他IO调用且非长时间允许):src/Cache/Handler/Redis.php - [ ] 新的`Redis`驱动测试方式推广:tests/unit/Component/Tests/Cache/RedisCacheTest.php ### 错误修复检查清单: - [ ] `Cache`前缀选项与`setMultiple`不兼容问题:src/Cache/Handler/Redis.php,#688 ### 推进调整清单: - 使用`Lua`类替代更多直接使用`evalEx`的方式 - 依赖`Redis`的组件引入方式都推进为与`src/Cache/Handler/Redis.php`一致 - 使用新的测试方式替换`Cache*Test`目前的模式(后续考虑推进到更多组件)。
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