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Function to compute true monthly mean from daily mean.
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I was trying to fix some bad monthly and daily means from the CESM-CICE history files. @jessluo came up with a script to do a group my year and month. We thought this would be a nice addition to esmlab.
What I Did
The path of the data is:
case = "b.e21.B1850.f09_g17.CMIP6-piControl.001"
year1 = "0061"
year2 = "0099"
year1m = "0001"
year2m = "0099"
filename_month = "../month_1/"+case+".cice.h.aicen."+year1m+"01-"+year2m+""
filename_day = case+".cice.h1.aicen_d."+year1+"0101-"+year2+""
filename1 = case+".cice.h1.aicen_d_fix."+year1+"0101-"+year2+""
filename2 = case+".cice.h.aicen_fix."+year1m+"01-"+year2m+""
ds = xr.open_dataset(filename1)
ds_day = xr.open_dataset(filename_day)
ds_month = xr.open_dataset(filename_month)
aicen_d = ds['aicen_d']
times = ds_day.time_bounds.values
leftbounds_yr = [x[0].timetuple()[0] for x in times]
leftbounds_mo = [x[0].timetuple()[1] for x in times]
yrmo = [cftime.datetime(y, m, 15) for y,m in zip(leftbounds_yr,leftbounds_mo)]
yrmo = np.array(yrmo)
aicen_d_val = ds.aicen_d.values
aicen_d = xr.DataArray(aicen_d_val, coords={'time':yrmo, 'NCAT':ds.NCAT, 'TLON':ds.TLON, 'TLAT':ds.TLAT},
aicen2 = aicen_d.groupby('time').mean(dim='time')
aicen = ds_month['aicen']
aicen.values[720:][:][:][:] = np.where(aicen2.values[:][:][:][:]>1.,1.0e30,aicen2.values[:][:][:][:])
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