ADF copied to clipboard
No PS for 3-D variable RELHUM for regridding
ADF run type
Model vs. Obs
What happened?
Hi, I'm doing multiple model cases vs Obs, with precalculated climo files for model simulations, and my configuration file is attached:
Based on the information below, it seems that in the vars_obs_dict
the variable PS is looked up only from ERA5 but not ERAI, while when regridding RELHUM its target is ERAI and it will look for PS from ERAI, which is then not existed.
Regridding CAM climatologies...
DEBUG: var_obs_dict SWCF {'obs_file': PosixPath('/glade/campaign/cgd/amp/amwg/ADF_obs/'), 'obs_name': 'CERES_EBAF_Ed4.1', 'obs_var': 'toa_cre_sw_mon'}
DEBUG: var_obs_dict LWCF {'obs_file': PosixPath('/glade/campaign/cgd/amp/amwg/ADF_obs/'), 'obs_name': 'CERES_EBAF_Ed4.1', 'obs_var': 'toa_cre_lw_mon'}
DEBUG: var_obs_dict PSL {'obs_file': PosixPath('/glade/campaign/cgd/amp/amwg/ADF_obs/'), 'obs_name': 'ERA5', 'obs_var': 'PSL'}
DEBUG: var_obs_dict U {'obs_file': PosixPath('/glade/campaign/cgd/amp/amwg/ADF_obs/'), 'obs_name': 'ERA5', 'obs_var': 'U'}
DEBUG: var_obs_dict T {'obs_file': PosixPath('/glade/campaign/cgd/amp/amwg/ADF_obs/'), 'obs_name': 'ERA5', 'obs_var': 'T'}
DEBUG: var_obs_dict RELHUM {'obs_file': PosixPath('/glade/campaign/cgd/amp/amwg/ADF_obs/'), 'obs_name': 'ERAI', 'obs_var': 'RELHUM'}
DEBUG: var_obs_dict TREFHT {'obs_file': PosixPath('/glade/campaign/cgd/amp/amwg/ADF_obs/'), 'obs_name': 'ERA5', 'obs_var': 'TREFHT'}
DEBUG: var_obs_dict TS {'obs_file': PosixPath('/glade/campaign/cgd/amp/amwg/ADF_obs/'), 'obs_name': 'ERAI', 'obs_var': 'TS'}
DEBUG: var_obs_dict FSNT {'obs_file': PosixPath('/glade/campaign/cgd/amp/amwg/ADF_obs/'), 'obs_name': 'CERES_EBAF_Ed4.1', 'obs_var': 'toa_sw_all_mon'}
DEBUG: var_obs_dict FLNT {'obs_file': PosixPath('/glade/campaign/cgd/amp/amwg/ADF_obs/'), 'obs_name': 'CERES_EBAF_Ed4.1', 'obs_var': 'toa_lw_all_mon'}
DEBUG: var_obs_dict PS {'obs_file': PosixPath('/glade/campaign/cgd/amp/amwg/ADF_obs/'), 'obs_name': 'ERA5', 'obs_var': 'PS'}
Regridding case 'b.e13.B1850C5.ne120_g16.icesm13_ihesp.PI.003' :
- regridding PS (known targets: ['ERA5'])
Regridded file already exists, so skipping...
- regridding SWCF (known targets: ['CERES_EBAF_Ed4.1'])
Regridded file already exists, so skipping...
- regridding LWCF (known targets: ['CERES_EBAF_Ed4.1'])
Regridded file already exists, so skipping...
- regridding PSL (known targets: ['ERA5'])
Regridded file already exists, so skipping...
- regridding U (known targets: ['ERA5'])
Regridded file already exists, so skipping...
- regridding T (known targets: ['ERA5'])
Regridded file already exists, so skipping...
- regridding RELHUM (known targets: ['ERAI'])
DEBUG: ps_loc_dict {'ERA5': PosixPath('/glade/derecho/scratch/fengzhu/ADF/regrid/')}
!! PROBLEM -- NO PS for 3-D variable RELHUM, so it will not be re-gridded.
ADF Hash you are using
What machine were you running the ADF on?
CISL machine
What python environment were you using?
NPL (CISL machines only)
Extra info
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