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Ansible role for installing and configuring php-fpm

Build Status Ansible Galaxy


This role installs and configures the php-fpm interpreter.


RedHat support is discontinued in version 2.0.0. Pull requests are welcome.


This role requires Ansible 1.4 or higher and tested platforms are listed in the metadata file.

Role Variables

The role uses the following variables:

  • php_fpm_version: PHP version which should be installed. Available: 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1. Default: 5.6. Attention: PHP 5.5 can be used, but it has reached it's end of life and should be avoided!
  • php_fpm_pools: The list a pools for php-fpm, each pools is a hash with a name entry (used for filename), all the other entries in the hash are pool directives (see One level dictionaries nesting is supported, to allow passing environment variables and PHP settings as dictionaries.
  • php_fpm_pool_defaults: A list of default directives used for all php-fpm pools (see
  • php_fpm_apt_packages: The list of packages to be installed by the apt module, defaults to [php5-fpm]. module.
  • php_fpm_yum_packages: The list of packages to be installed by the yum module, defaults to [php-fpm].
  • php_fpm_ini: Customization for php-fpm's php.ini as a list of options, each option is a hash using the following structure:
    • option: The name of the option.
    • value: The string value to be associated with the option.
    • section: Section name in INI file.
  • php_fpm_config: Customization for php-fpm's configuration file as a list of options.
  • php_fpm_default_pool:
    • delete: Set to a True value to delete the default pool.
    • name: The filename the default pool configuration file.
  • php_fpm_apt_latest: If set to yes will update the packages to the latest version

Example configuration

- role: php-fpm
    pm: dynamic
    pm.max_children: 5
    pm.start_servers: 2
    pm.min_spare_servers: 1
    pm.max_spare_servers: 3
   - name: foo
     user: www-data
     group: www-data
     listen: 8000
     chdir: /
   - name: bar
     user: www-data
     group: www-data
     # Add the host and port in separate variables.
     # Attention: One of listen_port or listen is required!
     listen_port: 8001
       PATH: "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
       TMPDIR: "/tmp"
       sendmail_path: "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f [email protected]"
       error_log: "/var/log/fpm-bar.www.log"
   # PHP section directives
   - option: "engine"
     section: "PHP"
     value: "1"
   - option: "error_reporting"
     section: "PHP"
     value: "E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT"
   - option: "date.timezone"
     section: "PHP"
     value: "Europe/Berlin"
   # soap section directives
   - option: "soap.wsdl_cache_dir"
     section: "soap"
     value: "/tmp"
   # Pdo_mysql section directives
   - option: "pdo_mysql.cache_size"
     section: "Pdo_mysql"
     value: "2000"
   - option: "log_level"
     section: "global"
     value: "notice"
   - option: "syslog.facility"
     section: "global"
     value: "daemon"

Example usage

# file: task.yml
- hosts: all
    - nbz4live.php-fpm
    - {
        role: nbz4live.php-fpm,
          {name: foo, user: www-data, group: www-data, listen: 8000, chdir: /}
    - role: php-fpm
          - name: bar
            user: www-data
            group: www-data
            listen: 9000
            chdir: /


The process manager configuration (pm, pm.max_children, pm.start_servers, pm.min_spare_servers, pm.max_spare_servers), in the defaults, is only for testing. This values should always be calculated based on the used server resources (hardware, number of pools, other software on the server). Please read the documentation for more information about this directives or follow this guide to calculate best values for your case.



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