Results 17 comments of 炫神


> You can already store byte arrays in an object, see built-in support for types: > > If this is about completely replacing [the class model]( (e.g. classes annotated...

@greenrobot-team 如果用findLazy 那么久不能用监听 我是想在监听的时候避免内存开销 Translation: If I use findLazy, I can’t use monitoring for a long time. I want to avoid memory overhead when I’m monitoring.

RxQuery 的返回值 只需要一个信号 而不是指定条件全量的数据(指定条件的全量数据并不是我想要的,极大),我需要按照这个信号 重新递归查询,不能直接获取这些数据来给业务 Translated: The return value of RxQuery only needs a signal instead of the full amount of data for the specified condition (the full amount of...

每个模型数据极大 字段极多,我希望按照某种条件去观察他们 提供返回值只有一个bool值 而不是全量数据, 那么我通过这个bool值 再从新去其他地方获取到想要的数据(比如树 是深度递归查询出来的) 如果观察返回对应观察的数据那这个数据量极大 也不一定是我想要的 而且还造成卡顿 Translation: The data of each model is very large and there are many fields. I want to observe them according...

这个粒度又太大了 ,很多没必要的刷新都要产生 Translation: This granularity is too large, and many unnecessary refreshes will be generated.

> Alright, renamed the title and keeping this as a feature request then. For anyone interested, please thumbs up the first post! > > Note these related feature requests: >...

如果监听的时候可以设置limit offset 也可以 If you can set limit offset when listening, you can also set it > 如果监听的时候可以设置limit offset 也可以 If you can set limit offset when listening, you can...

我发现特别有意思的东西 这个监听并不是真正意义上的监听 比如我监听条件写的是age

可以用 com.github.NBXXF.Android-PickerView-AndroidX:pickerview:1.0.0 已经翻译了 jitpack方式