toptabbedpage-xamarin-forms copied to clipboard
iOS Build error on XF 3.5.0
Hi. guys.
I have something wrong problem after I have updated xamarin forms to 3.5.0.
Anyone has this problem like this?
Build error message below...
Error MT2101: Can't resolve the reference 'UIKit.UIBarButtonItem Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.ToolbarItemExtensions::ToUIBarButtonItem(Xamarin.Forms.ToolbarItem,System.Boolean)', referenced from the method 'UIKit.UIBarButtonItem Naxam.Controls.Platform.iOS.TopTabbedRenderer/<>c::<UpdateToolbarItems>b__57_0(Xamarin.Forms.ToolbarItem)' in 'Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. (MT2101)
UP ! I upgraded my xamarin forms to 4 and gave the same problem !!