ICPC-Question-Solving copied to clipboard
Our homework for ACM-ICPC contest preparation
Our homework for ACM-ICPC contest preparation
Here we have the sources that helped us solving the question specified.
Chapter 2 - Data Structures and Libraries
- UVa 10038 - Jolly Jumpers
- UVa 11581 - Grid Successors
- UVa 10258 - Contest Scoreboard
- UVa 11933 - Splitting Numbers
- UVa 11988 - Broken Keyboard
- UVa 01062 - Containers
- UVa 11286 - Conformity
- UVa 00978 - Lemmings Battle
- UVa 10954 - Add All
- UVa 00599 - The Forrest for the Trees
- UVa 00793 - Network Connections
- UVa 12532 - Interval Product
Chapter 3 - Problem Solving Paradigms
- UVa 01237 - Expert Enough
- UVa 10487 - Closest Sums
- UVa 00441 - Lotto
- UVa 10660 - Citizen attention
- UVa 01047 - Zones
- UVa 12455 - Bars
- UVa 11085 - Back to the 8-Queens
- UVa 00524 - Prime Ring Problem
- UVa 01262 - Password
- UVa 12192 - Grapevine
- UVa 12032 - The Monkey
- UVa 00183 - Bit Maps
- UVa 11389 - The Bus Driver Problem
- UVa 12210 - A Match Making Problem
- UVa 11157 - Dynamic Frog
- UVa 10755 - Garbage Heap
- UVa 11951 - Area
- UVa 00481 - What Goes Up?
- UVa 10819 - Trouble of 13-Dots
- UVa 10496 - Collecting Beepers
- UVa 00357 - Let Me Count The Ways
- UVa 10337 - Flight Planner
Chapter 4 - Graph
- UVa 12442 - Forwarding Emails
- UVa 01103 - Ancient Messages
- UVa 10305 - Ordering Tasks
- UVa 10004 - Bicoloring
- UVa 10765 - Doves and Bombs
- UVa 00247 - Calling Circles
- UVa 11747 - Heavy Cycle Edges
- UVa 10369 - Arctic Networks
- UVa 00924 - Spreading the News
- UVa 00314 - Robot
- UVa 01112 - Mice and Maze
- UVa 11492 - Babel
- UVa 10557 - XYZZY
- UVa 10171 - Meeting Prof. Miguel
- I don't know why, but people used Floyd Warshall for solving this q, even though the source(starting node) is specified in the question. I got AC with Bellman-Ford, do follow your own way don't go with other people's solutions. Check this question to see which algorithm to use when (for shortest path questions.)
- UVa 01056 - Degrees of Separation
- UVa 11167 - Monkeys in the Emei
- UVa 11380 - Down Went The Titanic
- UVa 10350 - Liftless Eme
- UVa 00988 - Many paths, one
- UVa 11487 - Gathering Food
- UVa 10805 - Cockroach Escape
- UVa 10596 - Morning Walk
- UVa 11159 - Factors and Multiples
Chapter 5 - Mathematics
- UVa 11723 - Numbering Road
- UVa 01225 - Digit Counting
- UVa 11254 - Consecutive - Integers
- UVa 10751 - Chessboard
- UVa 11231 - Black and White Painting
- UVa 10233 - Dermuba Triangle
- UVa 00443 - Humble Numbers
- UVa 00701 - Archaelogist’s Dilemma
- UVa 10586 - Polynomial Remains
- UVa 00377 - Cowculations
- UVa 12036 - Stable Grid
- UVa 11879 - Multiple of 17
- UVa 00389 - Basically Speaking
- UVa 01210 - Sum of Consecutive
- UVa 01230 - MODEX
- UVa 00763 - Fibinary Numbers
- UVa 10541 - Stripe
- UVa 10312 - Expression Bracketing
- UVa 11597 - Spanning Subtree
- UVa 11538 - Chess Queen
- UVa 00543 - Goldbach’s Conjecture
- UVa 11827 - Maximum GCD
- UVa 00324 - Factorial Frequencies
- UVa 11466 - Largest Prime Divisor
- UVa 11889 - Benefit
- UVa 11728 - Alternate Task
- UVa 10990 - Another New Function
- UVa 10212 - The Last Non-zero Digit
- UVa 10104 - Euclid Problem
- UVa 10110 - Light, more light
- UVa 11176 - Winning Streak
- UVa 11053 - Flavius Josephus
- UVa 10111 - Find the Winning
Chapter 6 - String Processing
- UVa 10851 - 2D Hieroglyphs ...
- UVa 11385 - Da Vinci Code
- UVa 00902 - Password Search
- UVa 11878 - Homework Checker
- UVa 00622 - Grammar Evaluation
- UVa 00325 - Identifying Legal ...
- UVa 00488 - Triangle Wave
- UVa 00644 - Immediate Decodability
- UVa 00941 - Permutations
- UVa 10298 - Power Strings
- UVa 00422 - Word Search Wonder
- UVa 00526 - Edit Distance
- UVa 11151 - Longest Palindrome
- UVa 00760 - DNA Sequencing
Chapter 7 - (Computational) Geometry
- UVa 00920 - Sunny Mountains
- UVa 10005 - Packing polygons
- UVa 10577 - Bounding box
- UVa 00460 - Overlapping Rectangles
- UVa 00737 - Gleaming the Cubes
- UVa 10652 - Board Wrapping
Chapter 8 - More Advanced Topics
- UVa 10309 - Turn the Lights Off
- UVa 01098 - Robots on Ice
- UVa 01211 - Atomic Car Race
- UVa 01231 - ACORN
- UVa 01099 - Sharing Chocolate
- UVa 10983 - Buy one, get ...
- UVa 10891 - Game of Sum
- UVa 11324 - The Largest Clique
- UVa 11635 - Hotel Booking
- UVa 10539 - Almost Prime Numbers
- UVa 10012 - How Big Is It?
- UVa 11525 - Permutation
- UVa 11610 - Reverse Prime
Chapter 9 - Rare Topics
- UVa 10078 - Art Gallery
- UVa 01096 - The Islands
- UVa 00673 - Parentheses Balance
- UVa 10296 - Jogging Trails
- UVa 10245 - The Closest Pair Problem
- UVa 10213 - How Many Pieces ...
- UVa 00563 - Crimewave
- UVa 00612 - DNA Sorting
- UVa 00439 - Knight Moves
- UVa 00348 - Optimal Array Mult
- UVa 10746 - Crime Wave - The Sequel
- UVa 01184 - Air Raid
- UVa 00120 - Stacks Of Flapjacks
- UVa 00344 - Roman Digititis
- UVa 11462 - Age Sort
- UVa 10017 - The Never Ending
- September 16 - Kattis open contest