I am looking for something similar, I'm working on an Obisidian esque system called Foam, setting all the outgoing links is trivial as i can do it while parsing the...
Just found this issue, my usecase is to support the Foam format Which allows you to inline #tags #like #this Hoped something as simple as this would have worked:...
Same issue here: ``` networks: transit: ipv4_address: prod: ipv4_address: backup: ipv4_address: ``` Which translates to: ``` podman create --name=vault-project_p1.osl.local_1 --label traefik.enable=true --label traefik.http.routers.p1_osl.rule=Host(`p1.osl.local`) --label io.podman.compose.config-hash=fa3dc42aea4a607d9da66c4591ad72db6a37853879bb8931cf59cdeca6a51c51 --label io.podman.compose.project=vault-project...
Hey @milindsingh, did you figure out anything cool? :smile:
Uuuh, the test fails during the poetry install... ``` Error: Unable to process command '##[add-path]/home/runner/.poetry/bin' successfully. Error: The `add-path` command is disabled. Please upgrade to using Environment Files or opt...
Great suggestion, seems like Poetry is supported!