Medusa icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Medusa copied to clipboard

Medusa is a cross-platform C2 agent compatible with Python 2.7 and 3.8, compatible with Mythic

Results 5 Medusa issues
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Hi, when spawning a new linux payload (python3), the active callback cannot be created as the username field is empty: ![image]( ``` Failed to create new callback null value in...

The agent uses `socket.gethostbyname()` to retrieve the IP address of the host by looking up the hostname, returned from `socket.gethostname()`, against either the local resolver or the hosts file. On...

Hello, Running latest version of Mythic + latest version of Medusa agent. Medusa callback could show process name, which runs the payload. ![image]( Also could be cool to see all...

Cross posting it here for visibility, but there's a _small_ issue with the SOCKS command in Medusa: Super easy fix (i added the fix as a comment there)