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Autohotkey Rune Shooter
Can you please teach me how to throw AoE Runes (Thunderstorm, Avalanches, etc) using Middle Mouse button? I don´t know how to input in Autohotkeys screen.
Would press hotkey 3 on middle mouse click.
If you want to instantly shoot an AoE rune at the mouse location with crosshairs, by using the middle mouse button, you can use the following:
Send {F1}
Sleep, 50
MouseClick, left
where {F1} is the hotkey for your rune, which can be changed to something else (you can put any hotkey inside the {} brackets. If you want to use a combination, for instance shift + something, or ctrl + something, you can put a ^ sign before the brackets for ctrl, and a + sign for shift as in the case below:
Send +{F1}
(This will send shift + F1)
Send ^{F1}
(This will send ctrl + F1)
There are a lot of more nice possibilities to explore with AHK that you can continue with if you are interested. I've made my own script where you can (1) scroll though a list of runes (with rune images as HUD) which sets a new rune to middle mouse, (2) timer for utamo vita/magic wall/wild growth so you know when they run out, (3) shoot wave/beam in the mouse direction (aim wave/beam with mouse), and etc. The wave/beam thing is quite fun, it is possible to run full speed, shoot a wave backwards and continuing running full speed forwards. The possibilities are unlimited ^^
I'm pretty sure that usage of AutoHotkey is against the Tibia TOS. One button should map to one action. Having a delay and a separate action is similar to botting.
@Mytherin: Yes, I am also pretty sure it is against the Tibia TOS. It should only be used at your own risk.
Thank you guys, you've helped me a lot.