UnzipBot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
UnzipBot copied to clipboard

Telegram Bot to Unzip and Unrar files.

Unzip Bot

A star ⭐ from you means a lot to us!

Telegram bot to unzip files.

Open Source Love svg1

Table of Contents
  1. Usage
    • Deploy To Heroku
    • Local Deploying
  2. Environment Variables
    • Mandatory Vars
    • Optional Vars
  3. Functions
  4. To-Do
  5. Stats
  6. License
  7. Contributing
  8. Credits
  9. Support


Deploy to Heroku


  1. Tap on above button and fill API_ID, API_HASH, BOT_TOKEN. Alternatively fill OWNER_ID and OWNER_NAME. Note : Fill both or leave both unless bot won't work.
  2. Then tap "Deploy App" below it. Wait till deploying is complete (will take atmost 2 minutes).
  3. After deploying is complete, tap on "Manage App"
  4. Check the logs to see if your bot is ready!

Local Deploying

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/MysteryBots/UnzipBot
  2. Edit Config.py and fill the needed variables by following this

  3. Enter the directory

    cd UnzipBot
  4. Run the file

    python3 unzipbot.py

Environment Variables

Mandatory Vars

Optional Vars

(fill both or neither)

  • OWNER_ID - Get it from @MissMiley_bot by sending /id to it.
  • OWNER_NAME - Your Name (to be shown as owner in bot)


More features soon, this is an minimal example :)

  1. Send any zip/rar file, choose a mode and rest on the bot.


That's on you mainly...

  1. Zipping feature maybe.


GitHub forks GitHub stars GitHub watchers Maintenance


License: AGPL v3


GitHub contributors

Contributions are heartily accepted.

PRs Welcome



Channel :- @MysteryBots

Group Chat :- @MysteryBotsChat


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