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Code and content from the Move community.

Results 24 awesome-move issues
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1, Add the first Cross-Chain Bridge between Move and EVM. 2, Add the Move book Chinese version. 3, Add more tokens on Starcoin. 4, Add more wallets on Sui and...

Adds this vimscript I wrote for syntax and indentation support with vim / neovim.

- Gave a better link rather than the link to the example folder.

**Thank you for making this list awesome! Please make sure that your addition follows the format `[project_name](link) - Description.` and other [contribution requirements]( such as the `Add project_name` commit format.**

[js-move-playground]( wrapper [Move Playground by Pontem]( as javascript library for browser. Developers can use it to build their own Move Playground.

•Adds youtube video series into tutorials

Update 0L discord to slugs instead of invitation codes

Add Move whitepaper in chinese **Thank you for making this list awesome! Please make sure that your addition follows the format `[project_name](link) - Description.` and other [contribution requirements]( such as...