tinymist copied to clipboard
Folding with multiple trailing content
Describe the bug
When a function takes multiple trailing content block arguments, folding is only applied to the first one.
Note: I've pointed out some inaccuracies in this report template with ‼️ below, HIH
Package/Software version:
VSCode version(Help -> About):
‼️ In my case this is Code -> About Visual Studio Code
Version: 1.92.0 (Universal)
Commit: b1c0a14de1414fcdaa400695b4db1c0799bc3124
Date: 2024-07-31T23:26:45.634Z
Electron: 30.1.2
ElectronBuildId: 9870757
Chromium: 124.0.6367.243
Node.js: 20.14.0
OS: Darwin arm64 23.4.0
tinymist extension version: v0.11.0
. Get it by tinymist --version
in terminal.
‼️ tinymist isn't in my path after installing the extension, I had to run it like this ~/.vscode/extensions/myriad-dreamin.tinymist-0.11.18-darwin-arm64/out/tinymist --version
Build Timestamp: 2024-08-04T19:30:39.635429000Z
Build Git Describe: v0.11.18
Commit SHA: fb0a300bc2ef8cfb74a62100441fa4a3f648f4b2
Commit Date: None
Commit Branch: None
Cargo Target Triple: aarch64-apple-darwin
Typst Version: 0.11.1
tinymist server log(Output Panel -> tinymist):
‼️ Output Panel -> Tinymist Typst Language Server
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO tinymist] starting LSP server: LspArgs {
mirror: MirrorArgs {
mirror: "",
replay: "",
font: CompileFontArgs {
font_paths: [],
ignore_system_fonts: false,
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] handling initialize - (0) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538136, tv_nsec: 863740916 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO tinymist::init] preferred theme: Some("light") {"compileStatus": String("enable"), "exportPdf": String("never"), "formatterMode": String("disable"), "formatterPrintWidth": Number(120), "onEnterEvent": Bool(true), "outputPath": String(""), "preferredTheme": String("light"), "preview": Object {"cursorIndicator": Bool(false), "fontPaths": Array [], "invertColors": Null, "partialRendering": Bool(true), "pinPreviewFile": Bool(false), "refresh": String("onType"), "scrollSync": String("onSelectionChangeByMouse"), "showInActivityBar": Bool(false), "sysInputs": Object {}, "systemFonts": Bool(true)}, "previewFeature": String("enable"), "semanticTokens": String("enable"), "systemFonts": Bool(true), "trace": Object {"server": String("off")}, "typstExtraArgs": Array []}
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO tinymist::server] LanguageState: initialized with config Config { compile: CompileConfig { roots: ["/Users/carlos/Documents/Util", "/Users/carlos/Desktop"], output_path: PathPattern(""), export_pdf: Never, root_path: None, font_opts: CompileFontArgs { font_paths: [], ignore_system_fonts: false }, system_fonts: Some(true), font_paths: [], fonts: OnceCell(Uninit), notify_status: true, periscope_args: None, typst_extra_args: Some(CompileExtraOpts { root_dir: None, entry: None, inputs: {}, font: CompileFontArgs { font_paths: [], ignore_system_fonts: false }, creation_timestamp: None }), preferred_theme: Some("light"), has_default_entry_path: false, lsp_inputs: {"x-preview": "{\"version\":1,\"theme\":\"light\"}"} }, semantic_tokens: Enable, formatter: Disable, formatter_print_width: 120 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO tinymist::server] LanguageState: initialized with const_config ConstConfig { position_encoding: Utf16, cfg_change_registration: true, tokens_dynamic_registration: true, tokens_overlapping_token_support: false, tokens_multiline_token_support: false, doc_line_folding_only: true, doc_fmt_dynamic_registration: true }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO tinymist::actor] TypstActor: creating server for primary, entry: Workspace { root: "/Users/carlos/Documents/Util", main: None }, inputs: {"x-preview": "{\"version\":1,\"theme\":\"light\"}"}
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO tinymist::init] creating SharedFontResolver with CompileFontArgs { font_paths: [], ignore_system_fonts: false }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] handled initialize - (0) in 11.41ms
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying initialized - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 4559250 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO tinymist::server] server initialized
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] notifing initialized succeeded in 1.44ms
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (1) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 7089083 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] handled workspace/executeCommand - (1) in 26.05ms
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (2) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 33204541 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO tinymist::actor::typ_client] the entry file of TypstActor(primary) is changing to Workspace { root: "/Users/carlos/Desktop", main: Some(/test.typ) }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO tinymist::tool::preview] PreviewTask(riz83r): arguments: PreviewCliArgs {
preview: PreviewArgs {
data_plane_host: "",
control_plane_host: "",
enable_partial_rendering: true,
invert_colors: "never",
task_id: "riz83r",
refresh_style: OnType,
compile: CompileOnceArgs {
input: Some(
root: None,
inputs: [],
font: CompileFontArgs {
font_paths: [],
ignore_system_fonts: false,
creation_timestamp: None,
preview_mode: Document,
static_file_host: "",
not_as_primary: false,
dont_open_in_browser: false,
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying textDocument/didOpen - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 35535666 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO tinymist::server] did open Url { scheme: "file", cannot_be_a_base: false, username: "", password: None, host: None, port: None, path: "/Users/carlos/Desktop/test.typ", query: None, fragment: None }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO typst_preview] Previewer: typst actor spawned
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO typst_preview] Data plane server listening on:
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::typst] TypstActor: waiting for message
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO tinymist::server] create source: "/Users/carlos/Desktop/test.typ"
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] notifing textDocument/didOpen succeeded in 885.96µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (3) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 36961916 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO tinymist::cmd] first manual focusing is coming
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] handled workspace/executeCommand - (3) in 8.96µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO tinymist::tool::preview] PreviewTask(riz83r): static file server listening on:
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] handled workspace/executeCommand - (2) in 300.09ms
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (4) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 333291041 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] handled workspace/executeCommand - (4) in 747.21µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (5) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 334058916 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/documentColor - (6) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 334101958 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying $/cancelRequest - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 334112083 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z WARN sync_lsp] unhandled notification: $/cancelRequest
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (7) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 334134041 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/foldingRange - (8) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 334144208 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 46.292µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:09Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/foldingRange - (8) in 372.71µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying $/setTrace - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 410459791 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z WARN sync_lsp] unhandled notification: $/setTrace
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying workspace/didChangeConfiguration - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 410757625 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifing workspace/didChangeConfiguration succeeded in 44.63µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::init] preferred theme: Some("light") {"compileStatus": String("enable"), "exportPdf": String("never"), "fontPaths": Null, "formatterMode": String("disable"), "formatterPrintWidth": Number(120), "hoverPeriscope": Null, "outputPath": String(""), "preferredTheme": String("light"), "rootPath": Null, "semanticTokens": String("enable"), "systemFonts": Bool(true), "typstExtraArgs": Array []}
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::server] new settings applied
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying $/setTrace - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 439526458 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z WARN sync_lsp] unhandled notification: $/setTrace
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying workspace/didChangeConfiguration - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 439546833 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifing workspace/didChangeConfiguration succeeded in 20.83µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying $/cancelRequest - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 441229750 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z WARN sync_lsp] unhandled notification: $/cancelRequest
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (9) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 441245250 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying $/cancelRequest - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 444101583 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z WARN sync_lsp] unhandled notification: $/cancelRequest
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (10) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 444118541 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::init] preferred theme: Some("light") {"compileStatus": String("enable"), "exportPdf": String("never"), "fontPaths": Null, "formatterMode": String("disable"), "formatterPrintWidth": Number(120), "hoverPeriscope": Null, "outputPath": String(""), "preferredTheme": String("light"), "rootPath": Null, "semanticTokens": String("enable"), "systemFonts": Bool(true), "typstExtraArgs": Array []}
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::server] new settings applied
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying $/setTrace - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 490294875 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z WARN sync_lsp] unhandled notification: $/setTrace
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying workspace/didChangeConfiguration - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 490322125 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifing workspace/didChangeConfiguration succeeded in 20.67µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying $/setTrace - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 510514125 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z WARN sync_lsp] unhandled notification: $/setTrace
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying workspace/didChangeConfiguration - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 510560166 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifing workspace/didChangeConfiguration succeeded in 59.75µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::init] preferred theme: Some("light") {"compileStatus": String("enable"), "exportPdf": String("never"), "fontPaths": Null, "formatterMode": String("disable"), "formatterPrintWidth": Number(120), "hoverPeriscope": Null, "outputPath": String(""), "preferredTheme": String("light"), "rootPath": Null, "semanticTokens": String("enable"), "systemFonts": Bool(true), "typstExtraArgs": Array []}
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::server] new settings applied
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::init] preferred theme: Some("light") {"compileStatus": String("enable"), "exportPdf": String("never"), "fontPaths": Null, "formatterMode": String("disable"), "formatterPrintWidth": Number(120), "hoverPeriscope": Null, "outputPath": String(""), "preferredTheme": String("light"), "rootPath": Null, "semanticTokens": String("enable"), "systemFonts": Bool(true), "typstExtraArgs": Array []}
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::server] new settings applied
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeLens - (11) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 589783666 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO typst_preview] Peer address:
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO typst_preview] New WebSocket connection:
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: waiting for message
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] RenderActor: waiting for message
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] RenderActor: has_full_render: true
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO typst_preview::actor::render] RenderActor: document is not ready
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] RenderActor: waiting for message
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: received message: RenderFullLatest
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: document is not ready
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: waiting for message
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/semanticTokens/full - (12) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 695148125 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/semanticTokens/full - (12) in 742.25µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying $/cancelRequest - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 787330166 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z WARN sync_lsp] unhandled notification: $/cancelRequest
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (13) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 787355708 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/codeAction - (9) in 364.81ms
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::actor::editor] received status request(primary) Compiling
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/codeAction - (7) in 479.37ms
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/documentColor - (6) in 479.50ms
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/codeAction - (5) in 490.72ms
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/codeAction - (13) in 37.59ms
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/codeLens - (11) in 238.67ms
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/codeAction - (10) in 386.21ms
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying $/cancelRequest - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538137, tv_nsec: 841647500 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z WARN sync_lsp] unhandled notification: $/cancelRequest
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO typst_ts_compiler::diag::console] Some(/test.typ): compilation succeeded in 208.592ms
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::actor::editor] received diagnostics from primary:5: diag(Some(0))
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::actor::editor] received status request(primary) CompileSuccess
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] RenderActor: has_full_render: false
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: received message: RenderIncremental
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: sending outline
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: waiting for message
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::task::cache] CacheEvictTask: evict cache in 2.379875ms
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] RenderActor: waiting for message
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::actor::editor] received status request(primary) Compiling
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO typst_ts_compiler::diag::console] Some(/test.typ): compilation succeeded in 13.887ms
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::actor::editor] received diagnostics from primary:6: diag(Some(0))
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::actor::editor] received status request(primary) CompileSuccess
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: received message: RenderIncremental
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: sending outline
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: waiting for message
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] RenderActor: has_full_render: false
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::task::cache] CacheEvictTask: evict cache in 44.666µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] RenderActor: waiting for message
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying $/setTrace - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538138, tv_nsec: 213666750 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z WARN sync_lsp] unhandled notification: $/setTrace
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying workspace/didChangeConfiguration - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538138, tv_nsec: 213710833 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO sync_lsp] notifing workspace/didChangeConfiguration succeeded in 155.88µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::init] preferred theme: Some("light") {"compileStatus": String("enable"), "exportPdf": String("never"), "fontPaths": Null, "formatterMode": String("disable"), "formatterPrintWidth": Number(120), "hoverPeriscope": Null, "outputPath": String(""), "preferredTheme": String("light"), "rootPath": Null, "semanticTokens": String("enable"), "systemFonts": Bool(true), "typstExtraArgs": Array []}
[2024-08-05T17:31:10Z INFO tinymist::server] new settings applied
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeLens - (14) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538138, tv_nsec: 394878791 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/codeLens - (14) in 665.75µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (15) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538138, tv_nsec: 439824666 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/codeAction - (15) in 835.75µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/foldingRange - (16) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538138, tv_nsec: 492457125 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 204.958µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/foldingRange - (16) in 358.42µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (17) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538138, tv_nsec: 596415416 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/codeAction - (17) in 690.46µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/foldingRange - (18) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538138, tv_nsec: 793799458 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 58.417µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/foldingRange - (18) in 441.00µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (19) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538138, tv_nsec: 825346166 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/codeAction - (19) in 371.33µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/semanticTokens/full/delta - (20) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538138, tv_nsec: 893932666 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/semanticTokens/full/delta - (20) in 188.38µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeLens - (21) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538139, tv_nsec: 77232250 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:11Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/codeLens - (21) in 247.00µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:12Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (22) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538139, tv_nsec: 894175875 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:12Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/codeAction - (22) in 184.04µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:12Z INFO sync_lsp] handling textDocument/documentSymbol - (23) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538139, tv_nsec: 896211250 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:12Z INFO tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 46.334µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:12Z INFO sync_lsp] handled textDocument/documentSymbol - (23) in 80.54µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:12Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying $/setTrace - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538139, tv_nsec: 951202750 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:12Z WARN sync_lsp] unhandled notification: $/setTrace
[2024-08-05T17:31:12Z INFO sync_lsp] notifying workspace/didChangeConfiguration - at Instant { tv_sec: 1538139, tv_nsec: 951220333 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:12Z INFO sync_lsp] notifing workspace/didChangeConfiguration succeeded in 337.50µs
[2024-08-05T17:31:12Z INFO tinymist::init] preferred theme: Some("light") {"compileStatus": String("enable"), "exportPdf": String("never"), "fontPaths": Null, "formatterMode": String("disable"), "formatterPrintWidth": Number(120), "hoverPeriscope": Null, "outputPath": String(""), "preferredTheme": String("light"), "rootPath": Null, "semanticTokens": String("enable"), "systemFonts": Bool(true), "typstExtraArgs": Array []}
[2024-08-05T17:31:12Z INFO tinymist::server] new settings applied
[2024-08-05T17:31:14Z INFO sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (24) at Instant { tv_sec: 1538141, tv_nsec: 714661208 }
[2024-08-05T17:31:14Z INFO sync_lsp] handled workspace/executeCommand - (24) in 64.08µs
tinymist client log(Help -> Toggle Developer Tools -> Console):
log.ts:419 INFO Started local extension host with pid 40279.
TMScopeRegistry.ts:46 Overwriting grammar scope name to file mapping for scope text.tex.
Old grammar file: file:///Applications/Visual%20Studio%20Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/extensions/latex/syntaxes/TeX.tmLanguage.json.
New grammar file: file:///Users/carlos/.vscode/extensions/james-yu.latex-workshop-10.1.0/syntax/TeX.tmLanguage.json
register @ TMScopeRegistry.ts:46
TMScopeRegistry.ts:46 Overwriting grammar scope name to file mapping for scope text.tex.latex.
Old grammar file: file:///Applications/Visual%20Studio%20Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/extensions/latex/syntaxes/LaTeX.tmLanguage.json.
New grammar file: file:///Users/carlos/.vscode/extensions/james-yu.latex-workshop-10.1.0/syntax/LaTeX.tmLanguage.json
register @ TMScopeRegistry.ts:46
TMScopeRegistry.ts:46 Overwriting grammar scope name to file mapping for scope text.bibtex.
Old grammar file: file:///Applications/Visual%20Studio%20Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/extensions/latex/syntaxes/Bibtex.tmLanguage.json.
New grammar file: file:///Users/carlos/.vscode/extensions/james-yu.latex-workshop-10.1.0/syntax/Bibtex.tmLanguage.json
register @ TMScopeRegistry.ts:46
TMScopeRegistry.ts:46 Overwriting grammar scope name to file mapping for scope text.tex.markdown_latex_combined.
Old grammar file: file:///Applications/Visual%20Studio%20Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/extensions/latex/syntaxes/markdown-latex-combined.tmLanguage.json.
New grammar file: file:///Users/carlos/.vscode/extensions/james-yu.latex-workshop-10.1.0/syntax/markdown-latex-combined.tmLanguage.json
register @ TMScopeRegistry.ts:46
TMScopeRegistry.ts:46 Overwriting grammar scope name to file mapping for scope source.cpp.embedded.latex.
Old grammar file: file:///Applications/Visual%20Studio%20Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/extensions/latex/syntaxes/cpp-grammar-bailout.tmLanguage.json.
New grammar file: file:///Users/carlos/.vscode/extensions/james-yu.latex-workshop-10.1.0/syntax/cpp-grammar-bailout.tmLanguage.json
register @ TMScopeRegistry.ts:46
TMScopeRegistry.ts:46 Overwriting grammar scope name to file mapping for scope source.typst.
Old grammar file: file:///Users/carlos/.vscode/extensions/myriad-dreamin.tinymist-0.11.18-darwin-arm64/out/typst.tmLanguage.json.
New grammar file: file:///Users/carlos/.vscode/extensions/quarto.quarto-1.113.0/languages/typst/typst.tmLanguage.json
register @ TMScopeRegistry.ts:46
2console.ts:137 [Extension Host] determineVscodeTheme 1
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] vscodeVariables test: Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] validate /Users/carlos/.vscode/extensions/myriad-dreamin.tinymist-0.11.18-darwin-arm64/out/tinymist args Array(1)
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] deserializeWebviewPanel Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Preview Command /Users/carlos/Desktop/test.typ
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Launched preview, data plane port:59011, static server port:59012
webviewElement.ts:486 An iframe which has both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin for its sandbox attribute can escape its sandboxing.
mountTo @ webviewElement.ts:486
7console.ts:137 [Extension Host] determineVscodeTheme 1
VM7:12 state eyJtb2RlIjoiZG9jIiwiYXNQcmltYXJ5IjpmYWxzZSwidXJpIjoiZmlsZTovLy9Vc2Vycy9jYXJsb3MvRGVza3RvcC90ZXN0LnR5cCJ9
VM7:16 vscode_state Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] determineVscodeTheme 1
VM8:5842 plugin initialized, build info: Object
VM8:5728 WebSocket connection opened WebSocket
VM8:5763 batch 2 messages
VM8:5784 recv partial-rendering 22
VM8:5821 Experimental feature: partial rendering enabled
VM8:5784 recv invert-colors 19
VM8:5827 Experimental feature: invert colors strategy taken: never
log.ts:429 WARN Semantic token with invalid length detected at lineNumber 2, column 1
VM8:5763 batch 1 messages
VM8:5784 recv diff-v1 50252
VM8:1387 render_in_window with partial rendering enabled window 1.0143265689711973 0 26.37249079325113 840.8767256771226 737.4154156420605 , patch scale 51023
VM8:368 parse 3.90 ms, rerender 7.40 ms, total 11.30 ms
VM8:1830 updateCanvas start
VM8:1862 updateCanvas one miss undefined cZWuV8urjj4Ybp0b5hAMqJY
VM8:1862 updateCanvas one miss undefined cH6BV5uDKc9UoYQoE2d20oU
VM8:1862 updateCanvas one miss undefined c/2HdrKpustsNVnjQVwW2uE
VM8:5763 batch 1 messages
VM8:5784 recv diff-v1 292
VM8:1387 render_in_window with partial rendering enabled window 1.0144578313253012 0 26.375903614457833 840.9855421686747 737.510843373494 , patch scale 4260
VM8:1666 cancel canvas rendering
VM8:368 parse 0.10 ms, rerender 2.10 ms, total 2.20 ms
VM8:1870 updateCanvas done 44.80000019073486
VM8:1830 updateCanvas start
2console.ts:137 [Extension Host] determineVscodeTheme 1
VM8:1870 updateCanvas done 115
2console.ts:137 [Extension Host] determineVscodeTheme 1
log.ts:419 INFO [perf] Render performance baseline is 15ms
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] skip extension-output file extension-output-myriad-dreamin.tinymist-#1-Tinymist Typst Language Server
VM8:1387 render_in_window with partial rendering enabled window 1.5253623188405796 0 39.65942028985507 840.4746376811594 1108.9384057971013 , patch scale 26963
VM8:368 parse 0.00 ms, rerender 6.80 ms, total 6.80 ms
VM8:1830 updateCanvas start
VM8:1870 updateCanvas done 103.59999990463257