Valheim-ServerSideMap copied to clipboard
Initial Map Sync from connecting players is not transferred to already existing players
The following scenario does not work currently:
- Player A is playing on the server
- Player B connects to the server
- Player B uploads his current map state
- Player A does not receive newly explored areas by player B
Only after player A reconnects to the server, he would have the uploaded map data by player B
My temporary solution to this has been to use a client-side continuous map sync mod (ExploreTogether)
Has the bug such a high impact? I thought its a pretty rare edge case and didnt prioritise it due to that.
The entire scenario basically only happens if: B has never been on the server while running the plugin but already explored areas during that time.
That's because if he had been running the plugin before, the server would already have an up2date map of Player B to send to Player A.
Whats your exact usecase for explore together?
Cheers Mydayyy
Well I feel silly. I didn't realize ServerSideMap was able to do continuous sync once all players have already completed initial sync.
When I first installed ServerSideMap, I was still using Valheim+ for map sync, and then when I finally scrapped V+, I immediately replaced it with several smaller mods, including ExploreTogether, so I never actually tested to see if SSM could do continuous sync on its own. My apologies.
I've also been using the pin sync feature to supplement SSM pin sync retroactively, at least until your upload and deduplication features are finished. And the death pin enhancements are also neat (i may keep it for that feature alone, even once SSM has superceded everything else)