overlay_container icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
overlay_container copied to clipboard

A flutter widget which renders its child outside the original widget hierarchy.

Results 8 overlay_container issues
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> Copy and continue with the rest that is important ``` import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; class OverlayContainer extends StatefulWidget { /// The child to render inside the container. final Widget child; ///...

Would be great when we click outside the overlay widget the overlayEntry would get removed. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58790406/how-to-close-an-overlay-by-clicking-on-outside-in-flutter It is a simple feature although very useful.

When using it in to a scroll widget. the overlay widget will not stick with the parent widget. Once i set show to true, and scroll the screen, the Overlay...

Hi, Its been almost a month so just checking if there is a tentative date for null safety release

Hi, is null safety going to be supported soon?

Hi , i am using overlay how showing over view for menu tab in flutter web , it works correctly in debug mode , below screenshot is taken when i...

Adding TextField and when focusing rebuilds the overlay and looses focus. Any idea how to fix this?

How to build Menu with Submenu like shown below in image in Flutter web using overlay_container or other ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16360182/77241544-7ddf7480-6c19-11ea-9521-e9930b48f0d9.png)