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Bogosort and it's varients should be classed as "Permutation sorts"
The Bogosort medita- I mean uh, ThatsOven from the discord server had a really good idea recently, including bogosort and the current disagreements behind it. His idea was close to the following: "The bogosorts are so different they should be given a new class like permutation sorts "
This seems like a really good idea from my eyes, since technically bozosort finishing with O(3) comparisons does seem a bit odd compared to the other algorithms. I understand if this is not worth the time and effort, but do you think you could concider it?
Image taken from the discord server:
(hopefully it works)
O(3) is actually the same as O(1)! That means "constant time", or "this algorithm will take the same amount of steps no matter how large the array". However, no sorting algorithm can do this, as you must do at least O(n) comparisons to determine if the array is already sorted.