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Easy-to-use iOS IPC without the need for RocketBootstrap
Easy-to-use iOS IPC without the need for RocketBootstrap
MRYIPC is an easy-to-use IPC (inter-process communication) mechanism for jailbroken devices (although it will also work on unjailbroken devices) that eliminates the need for RocketBootstrap.
is similar in API to CPDistributedMessagingCenter
, so it shouldn't be too challenging to replace current CPDistributedMessagingCenter
implementations with MRYIPCCenter
How to use
To use MRYIPC, copy MRYIPCCenter.h
to $THEOS/include
and usr/lib/libmryipc.dylib
to $THEOS/lib
. Then you can add XXX_LIBRARIES = mryipc
to your Makefile and #import <MRYIPCCenter.h>
into any source files you want to use it in. Then add Depends: com.muirey03.libmryipc
to your control file.
An example usage can be seen in ExampleClient and ExampleServer in this repository.
The client
First, create the client center:
MRYIPCCenter* center = [MRYIPCCenter centerNamed:@"com.muirey03.MRYExampleServer"];
Then, go ahead and call any method you like:
NSNumber* result = [center callExternalMethod:@selector(addNumbers:) withArguments:@{@"value1" : @5, @"value2" : @7}];
provides 3 ways to call methods on the center:
//asynchronously call a void method
-(void)callExternalVoidMethod:(SEL)method withArguments:(id)args;
//synchronously call a method and recieve the return value
-(id)callExternalMethod:(SEL)method withArguments:(id)args;
//asynchronously call a method and receive the return value in the completion handler
-(void)callExternalMethod:(SEL)method withArguments:(id)args completion:(void(^)(id))completionHandler;
Please note that the arguments and return value type must be one that can be stored in a plist (NSString*
, NSNumber*
, NSData*
, NSArray*
or NSDictionary*
The server
IMPORTANT NOTE: Only one server is allowed for any given name. You cannot create 2 servers in 2 different processes with the same name, that is illegal, and will cause the second process to crash.
Again, start by creating a sever center with the same name as the client (you'll need to store a reference somewhere to stop it being deallocated):
MRYIPCCenter* center = [MRYIPCCenter centerNamed:@"com.muirey03.MRYExampleServer"];
Then register any methods you want to make external:
[center addTarget:self action:@selector(addNumbers:)];
Then just implement the methods and let MRYIPC handle the rest:
NSInteger value1 = [args[@"value1"] integerValue];
NSInteger value2 = [args[@"value2"] integerValue];
return @(value1 + value2);
MRYIPC also allows for block-based servers for more simple callbacks where you don't necessarily need an object to act as the server:
static MRYIPCCenter* center;
center = [MRYIPCCenter centerNamed:@"com.muirey03.MRYExampleServer"];
[center addTarget:^NSNumber*(NSDictionary* args){
NSInteger value1 = [args[@"value1"] integerValue];
NSInteger value2 = [args[@"value2"] integerValue];
return @(value1 + value2);
} forSelector:@selector(addNumbers:)];
Feel free to follow me on Twitter @Muirey03. If you have any contributions you want to make to this, please submit a Pull Request.