react-native-datatable-component copied to clipboard
A React Native datatable component module for dynamically perform actions like display, sorting, select, custom design, delete & touch events.
A React Native datatable component for dynamically perform actions like display, sorting, select, custom design, delete & touch events.
Why this Module?
Not so much complex & unnecessary thing Exists. All those basics functionality which everyone Needs.
Everything with clear & simple!
As this module depends on nothing means no dependency require
so, just 1 below step require to install it.
npm install react-native-datatable-component
yarn add react-native-datatable-component
import DataTable from 'react-native-datatable-component';
import React from 'react';
import DataTable, { COL_TYPES } from 'react-native-datatable-component';
const SomeComponent = props => {
return (
{ name: 'Muhammad Rafeh', age: 21, gender: 'male' },
{ name: 'Muhammad Akif', age: 22, gender: 'male' },
{ name: 'Muhammad Umar', age: 21, gender: 'male' },
{ name: 'Amna Shakeel', age: 22, gender: 'female' },
{ name: 'Muhammad Ammar', age: 20, gender: 'male' },
{ name: 'Muhammad Moiz', age: 13, gender: 'male' }
]} // list of objects
colNames={['name', 'age', 'gender']} //List of Strings
{ name: 'name', type: COL_TYPES.STRING, width: '40%' },
{ name: 'age', type: COL_TYPES.INT, width: '30%' },
{name: 'gender', type: COL_TYPES.STRING, width: '30%'}
]}//List of Objects
noOfPages={2} //number
backgroundColor={'rgba(23,2,4,0.2)'} //Table Background Color
headerLabelStyle={{ color: 'grey', fontSize: 12 }} //Text Style Works
export default SomeComponent;
You can easily control it's width by wrapping it with View
<View style={{width: '80%', alignSelf: 'center'}}> //margin: 20}
<DataTable {...props} />
//All These Properties Works on DataTable from it's parent View
//width, alignSelf, margin, padding
ScrollView: Want to Scroll Data?
You can scroll datatable Rows by wrapping it with view and with mentioning height
<View style={{margin: 20, height: 300}}> // Give height whatever you want
<DataTable {...props} />
// If you dont mention height then it will only scroll when data was going off the screen
// But it's recommended to give height!!!
DataTable component accepts following props.
Name | Type | Default | Is Require |
data | [] of {} | - | Yes |
colNames | [] of Strings | - | Yes |
colSettings | [] of {} | - | No |
noOfPages | Number | 2 | No |
onRowSelect | Func | - | No |
backgroundColor | string, rgba, hex | '#e4edec' | No |
doSort | boolean | true | No |
stickyHeader | boolean | true | No |
headerLabelStyle | {} of Text Style | - | No |
import DataTable, {COL_TYPES} from 'react-native-datatable-component';
// Values
//Below You will learn how to use constants while doing colSettings.
Props Explanation
List of Objects
Data must be List of Objects where each object will represent a Row Object's Key will be the Name of Column & value will be your Data.
//List of Objects
[{ nameOfCol: 'Your Data' }, ...]
//For Example
data={[ {studentName: 'Akif', age: 19}, {studentName: 'Ammar', age: 20}, ... ]}
In above case studentName & age is Names of Column & Values are data in that Column.
- Special Objects Key
- doHighlight
If you want to highlight Any Row then do this
{..., doHighlight: 'default'} // To use Component's default Highlight Color
{..., doHighlight: 'green'} // Any Color Name
{..., doHighlight: 'rgb(255,233,22)'} // Accepts RGB
{..., doHighlight: 'rgb(255,233,22, 0.6)'} // Accepts RGBA
{..., doHighlight: { backgroundColor: 'RGB/HEX/COLOR Name', textColor: 'RGB/HEX/COLOR Name' }} // Pass object if you want to change Text Color.
List of Strings
By Default DataTable shows columns which mentions in colNames & pick up Columns Data/Value from the Data prop.
//List of Strings
['studentName', 'age']
//Data prop have Object keys same/match the strings Above.
List of Objects
Below is the shape of Objects.
//Object Shape
name: 'name Of Column Here', // String will be the Column Name
width: '40%' // This is the width, column will take out of 100%
How Many Pages/Sections You want in DataTable!!!
DataTable passes full row in Object in which colName's value will change according to check press!
import DataTable, {COL_TYPES} from 'react-native-datatable-component';
const SomeCom = () => {
//You can pass COL_TYPES.CHECK_BOX Column's value in true/false, by default it will be false means checkBox will be uncheck!
const data = [
{ menu: 'Chicken Biryani', select: false }, //If user select this row then this whole object will return to you with select true in this case
{ menu: 'Chiken koofta', select: true },
{ menu: 'Chicken sharwma', select: false }
const nameOfCols = ['menu', 'select'];
onRowSelect={(row) => {console.log('ROW => ',row)}}
colSettings={[{name: 'select', type: COL_TYPES.CHECK_BOX}]}
export default SomeCom;
In Development
We are developing the rest of Functionality! Soon we made the release!
For Future Issues & Contributions
Any one can Contribute & in case of any issue, open the issue Forum!