GML copied to clipboard
regression new features sympy.add error
sympy module no attritubute with add
Can you please get us the error dump for the problem?
Creating New Features with Features Selection
[GML] The 1 step feature engineering process could generate up to 49 features. [GML] With 5429 data points this new feature matrix would use about 0.00 gb of space. [FEATURE_ENGINEERING] Step 1: transformation of original features [FEATURE_ENGINEERING] Generated 21 transformed features from 7 original features - done. [FEATURE_ENGINEERING] Generated altogether 22 new features in 1 steps [FEATURE_ENGINEERING] Removing correlated features, as well as additions at the highest level
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\GML\ in init(self, data, label, fill_missing_data, method_cat, method_num, drop, cat_cols, numeric_cols, thresh_cat, thresh_numeric, encode_data, method, thresh, normalize, method_transform, thresh_numeric_transform, remove_outliers, qu_fence, new_features, task, test_data, verbose, feateng_steps) 184 except: 185 pass --> 186 X = afc.fit_transform(X, y) 187 if not test_data.empty: 188 test_data = afc.transform(test_data)
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\GML\AUTO_FEATURE_ENGINEERING\ in fit_transform(self, X, y) 294 target_sub = target.copy() 295 # generate features --> 296 df_subs, self.feature_formulas_ = engineer_features(df_subs, self.feateng_cols_, _parse_units(self.units, verbose=self.verbose), 297 self.feateng_steps, self.transformations, self.verbose) 298 # select predictive features
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\GML\AUTO_FEATURE_ENGINEERING\ in engineer_features(df_org, start_features, units, max_steps, transformations, verbose) 339 print("[FEATURE_ENGINEERING] Generated altogether %i new features in %i steps" % (len(feature_pool) - len(start_features), max_steps)) 340 print("[FEATURE_ENGINEERING] Removing correlated features, as well as additions at the highest level") --> 341 feature_pool = {c: feature_pool[c] for c in feature_pool if c in uncorr_features and not feature_pool[c].func == sympy.add.Add} 342 cols = [c for c in list(df.columns) if c in feature_pool and c not in df_org.columns] # categorical cols not in feature_pool 343 if cols:
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\GML\AUTO_FEATURE_ENGINEERING\ in
AttributeError: module 'sympy' has no attribute 'add'