@rgb1380 if you have done the screensharing then please share the code
I am getting this error: PlatformException(ErrorCode.NotSuppported,null,null,null)
@rgb1380 can you have a look at this issue?
This line await "_engine.joinChannel(config.token, channelId, null,config.uid);" gives this error PlatformException(error, AgoraRTCError CAN_NOT_GET_GATEWAY_SERVER: flag: 4096, message: AgoraRTCError CAN_NOT_GET_GATEWAY_SERVER: dynamic use static key data: {"retry":false,"csIp":""}, null, null)
Gal4D, Can you please share your whole code with me. please As I am getting a lot of errors in the code
@BhavyKoshti9spl I am getting an error in host.dart?? Could you please help me...
Please if you have time then check this [] I am completely stuck