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Life is a moment :notebook_with_decorative_cover:
This is my personal blog created with create-react-doc where to write and record some thought daily.
It's very thankful to point any wrong place from these articles there as well. The Articles licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Agreement.
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- Data Structure
- Design Pattern
React Series
- Deep Into React
- Component Design
- React Stack
- Build React from scratch
- Modern Testing
- TypeScript
FE Cloud
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Project Framework
- RaspberryPi
Data Structure
This section we will start tralvel in the world of data strcture together! There is no doubt the travel is so interestring that you'll enjoy it too! Before your travel of data structure, I want to tell two points it's valueble:
- Interest and Insist.
- Thought is more important than action.
Sort Algorithm
算法是一种思想! 以排序算法为例, 最常见的是在数组中使用排序算法, 但是相同的思想也能用于数组对象, 甚至链表中, 比如链表中实现排序的两道题。
- 147.Insertion Sort List: insert sort in list;
- 148.Sort List: merge sort in list;
Design Pattern
- Singleton Pattern
- Stralegy Pattern
- Proxy Pattern
- Iterator Pattern
- Publish/Subscribe Pattern
- Command Pattern
- Composite Pattern
- Template Method Pattern
- Flyweight Pattern
- Chain of Responsibility Pattern
- Mediator Pattern
- Decorator Pattern
- State Pattern
- Adapter Pattern
- Observer Pattern
React Series
This section will introduce the world of React progressively. It'll tell the principle of React, how to design React Component gracefully and how to build a simple React from scratch.
Deep Into React
- React16.x 特性剪辑
- Fiber 数据结构
- 深入 Fiber 架构
- 流畅性
- Schedule
- 你不知道的 requestIdleCallback
- React Suspense 解决了什么
- React Hooks 深入系列
- React Hooks 设计模式
- React 暗器百解
Component Design
- Button
- Icon
- Menu
- Keyboard
- Carousel
- Tabs
- Affix
- AddressPicker
- CheckBox
- Form, oneForm
- SearchBar
- Modal
- Textarea
- 主题色替换方案
- 移动端测试指北
- [ ] 组件设计实践
React Stack
- Redux 与 Mobx 适用场景
- MVVM 框架解析之双向绑定 (相关项目)
- 探索从 MVC 到 MVVM + Flux 架构模式的转变 (相关项目)
- redux middleware 源码分析
- 在 React 使用 immutable 数据的优势
- 路由的简易实现
- React 在服务端渲染的实现
- 定制自己的 react-script
- 使用 React 全家桶搭建一个后台管理系统 (相关项目)
Build React from scratch
- 前置准备
- JSX 和 Virtual DOM
- 组件 和 state|props
- 生命周期
- diff 算法
- setState 优化
- ref 的实现
- PureComponent 的实现
- HOC 探索
- onChange 事件以及受控组件
Modern Testing
- TypeScript 基础篇
- TypeScript 中的类型
- TypeScript 中的函数使用
- TypeScript 中的工具类型
- Types vs Interfaces
- TypeScript extends 精读与实践
FE Cloud
This section will talk about colorful frontend world.
- 你不知道的 JavaScript
- 红皮书里的细节
- 探寻 JavaScript 精度问题
- 函数式编程入门
- Decorator
- Promise(相关项目)
- Generator
- Async
- CommonJS 模块与 ES6 模块间的差异
- ES6 继承与 ES5 继承的差异
- 扩展运算符
- 箭头函数
- Reflect
- 基于 SSR 的预渲染首屏直出方案
- SEO 在 SPA 站点中的实践
- Talk about TC39
- 跨域二三事 (相关项目)
- HTTP 小册
- 探寻 webpack 插件机制 (相关项目)
- Babel 执行机制
- npm 与 yarn
- 移动端场景知识
- 原生 JS 实现一个瀑布流插件 (相关项目)
- 实现一个自定义工具类库 (相关项目)
- 走近 Python
Project Framework
Just do it for fun! You will unlock server, linux, nginx skills from this Raspberry Pi travel.
Thanks for the pi project specially.