input and layer are defined as const and later reassigned. My app chokes on this. I can't use the node code so I just changed it. I'm terrible a JavaScript,...
Maybe not the right place to post this. But it's confusing that the prompt for irb and rails console is the same.
Is your gem a good fit for Rails 7 and Bootstrap 5? Are there other options with Rails 7?
#### Error reported by Chrome "The label's for attribute doesn't match any element id. This might prevent the browser from correctly autofilling the form and accessibility tools from working correctly"...
This is a fantastic resource. I am fascinated by this information. Particularly since I've been researching where my relatives lived at the end of the 19th and beginning of 20th...
**Relevant system information:** - OS: macOS 14.2.1 (23C71) - PostgreSQL version (output of `SELECT version();`): [e.g. 12.0, 13.2, etc] - TimescaleDB Toolkit version: "PostgreSQL 16.1 on aarch64-apple-darwin21.6.0, compiled by Apple...
Then why isn't sass-rails just rolled into sassc-rails? But my problem is that in either case sassc depends on ffi which doesn't want to install.
Getting bundle errors with this gem in Rails 6.1.0.alpha.
Works with ruby-3.3.0