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Year selection dropdown does not work on number field
I've added the Year selection dropdown on a Whole number field. I still get the options for Default month and day, which I do not fill out, since it's not a date field. Then I get an error, that the it's not in the right format. Doublechecked with adding the same field on the form without the component. It appears that it saves as a date instead for a number.
even if it's not a date, can you fill default month and day and check wether the issue is still there?
@MscrmTools @timothybohte I was trying to leverage Year drop down for the Number Field Type, it throws me an error as below.
The Error Details and Config of the Control as below
Can you put a default day in the configuration too?
@MscrmTools I have tried as per your suggestion, and hard refresh. it is still the same.
I will be back from holidays next week. I will have a look then
@MscrmTools Thanks for your response.
Meanwhile, I will try to debug the bundle.js using the fiddler and see if I can provide you any input on.
@MscrmTools Is there any update on the control ? I tried to debug it and i could not as it is deployed as webpack and I had to debug with Fiddler.
Can you try to not put any configuration in default month and default day?
Hi @MscrmTools it is still same as I could not save the record as below
Were you able to replicate the Issue from your end? if it is not, I can help you with that
I do not reproduce on my side so it's not easy to understand what is wrong here...
OK. I will send you the steps to Reproduce it.
1 Create a New Field(Data Type - Whole Number) as below and set the Minimum and Maximum Values which are required.
- Place it on the Main Form and configure the control as you mentioned above (without default month and day) and publish it.
- Create a New Record and populate the Start Year Field., The Error Message will populate on select of the year as below
Im happy to go through with you through the screen share if you are unable to replicate
Regards Suga