
Results 72 issues of Ms2ger

- [ ] [Using platform object example]( - [ ] [consider allowing non-matching enums to be converted to a particular value]( - [ ] [Support subclassing Array]( - [ ]...

In particular would be helpful as a first step towards #151.

I got confused for a moment because this repo doesn't acknowledge that it's been merged into the main spec.

FormatDateTimePattern handles the fields as if they contain mathematical values: > 13. Let tm be ToLocalTime(x, dateTimeFormat.[[Calendar]], dateTimeFormat.[[TimeZone]]). > > ... > > i. Let v be tm.[[Millisecond]]. > ii....

As used in Temporal: ```html CanonicalizeTimeZoneName ( _timeZone_: a String value that is a valid time zone name as verified by IsValidTimeZoneName, ) description It returns the canonical and case-regularized...

For example, it triggers on ```md 1. Assert: abs(_diffNs_) ≤ 1.728 × 1022, so the following steps cannot fail due to overflow in the Number domain. ```

This would be useful anyway, and is exacerbated a bit by #2688


For example, I'd type "historical", and nothing seems to happen. If I then delete the last "l", the dropdown appears.


``` #0 0x00002ab03836004c in WTFCrash () from /home/slave/webkitgtk/gtk-linux-64-release/build/WebKitBuild/Release/lib/ #1 0x00002ab0359d937d in _ZN7WebCoreL17doSequentialMatchEmON3WTF6VectorINS0_3RefINS_5CacheEEELm0ENS0_15CrashOnOverflowELm16EEEONS0_7VariantIJNS0_6RefPtrINS_12FetchRequestEEENS0_6StringEEEEONS_17CacheQueryOptionsEONS0_8FunctionIFvPNS_13FetchResponseEEEE () from /home/slave/webkitgtk/gtk-linux-64-release/build/WebKitBuild/Release/lib/ #2 0x00002ab0359d9ff2 in _ZN3WTF8FunctionIFvvEE15CallableWrapperIZN7WebCore12CacheStorage5matchEONS_7VariantIJNS_6RefPtrINS4_12FetchRequestEEENS_6StringEEEEONS4_17CacheQueryOptionsEONS_3RefINS4_15DeferredPromiseEEEEUlvE_E4callEv () from /home/slave/webkitgtk/gtk-linux-64-release/build/WebKitBuild/Release/lib/ #3 0x00002ab0359daa75 in _ZN3WTF8FunctionIFvONS_6VectorIN7WebCore22CacheStorageConnection9CacheInfoELm0ENS_15CrashOnOverflowELm16EEEEE15CallableWrapperIZNS2_12CacheStorage14retrieveCachesEONS0_IFvvEEEEUlS7_E_E4callES7_ () from /home/slave/webkitgtk/gtk-linux-64-release/build/WebKitBuild/Release/lib/ #4...


In my personal experience, every time I've linked to "To empty a list", I actually wanted to link to "A list is empty". Maybe "clear" would be less likely to...