Marcelo Silva Nascimento Mancini

Results 61 comments of Marcelo Silva Nascimento Mancini

The EMSCripten toolchain automatically definse the variables on `object.instance.table` and `object.instance.memory`. I think LLVM only defines the memory thing, so I can't call anonymous functions from JS with less work

Okay, so, I was able to implement a custom way to send functions and delegates to JS without using the table approach, but I would still appreciate if there was...

So, I think I found the offending part. Look into api/source/hip/api/graphics/g2d/g2d_binding.d ```d module; public import; import; version(Have_util) version = ImportSpritesheet; version(ImportSpritesheet) { public import hip.util.data_structures : Array2D,...

Update 2: Removing hip.util.string also fixes the error. Update 3: Removing either toString or opEquals from struct String solves the bug too.

Oh, it looks like it doesn't work on ms linker too. LLD ``` lld-link: error: undefined symbol: __declspec(dllimport) Interface for >>> referenced by C:\Users\Hipreme\AppData\Local\dub\cache\test_shared\~master\build\library-debug-windows-x86_64-ldc_v1.32.0-0F8A0E43E75CA4730B6B6BD5EC36D3CFD79135AB2FC58F7B1F09A06ACB002F0A\test_shared.obj:(ldc.dllimport_relocation) Error: linking with LLD failed...

No, it doesn't work in there. Also, you can test right now, there is almost no code to review :) It also looks really related to other thing, which is...

For example: right now to fix this linker issue - Remove the import on g2d_binding (located on api) It looks like some interaction between 2 libraries. Hipengine API does not...

> `/WHOLEARCHIVE` works for me with LDC v1.31. `dub build -v` with original linking cmdline: > > ``` > C:\users\packer\dlang\ldc-1.31.0-sym3\bin\ldc2.exe -ofC:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\dub\cache\test_shared\~master\build\library-debug-hDW8YLE1ZVPJ7wLXHHNnIw\test_shared.dll C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\dub\cache\test_shared\~master\build\library-debug-hDW8YLE1ZVPJ7wLXHHNnIw\test_shared.obj C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\dub\cache\hipengine_api\~master\build\script-debug-XLe1SoMpflO1lIo_d2vvrg\hipengine_api.lib C:\Users\packer\AppData\Local\dub\cache\util\~master\build\library-debug-bz9ubPFLpKbYegIlMvik0w\util.lib --link-internally -shared -g > lld-link: error:...

Should then I report this bug as dub's bug or ldc then?

Right now I would like to know what is the correct way to self reference types, function pointers, and create structs. Most of the handiwork is there but I'm still...