@URBANsUNITED your app still works? mine is stating: "There was a problem displaying your sensor data. please try again." on about every screen :(
that's too bad :( Hopefully this project takes off so we can still use the hardware:
ah nice! so there's hope now :-) i'm no programmer so I kinda depend on the community here..
Indeed! so we can upgrade it to make it look at your own server instead of Sense's server.
Hi, would like to mention that there was some activity a while ago in this git: But it's been quiet ever since.
> Still have to try it, but it seems the main mcu can just be flashed with edited firmware that contain edited endpoints. Love to hear if this works! Maybe...
Really hope this project kicks off now :) i'm no programmer so i cant help, but would be great if we can still use the hardware with a server of...
Do we know which of the components of we need to setup the server? Because maybe a local dns proxy can be used to make it talk to your...
Ah bummer.. thanks for the info!