Benjamin Schulte
Benjamin Schulte
- [ ] Think what to do with Mega Multiplayer and Friendly Multiplayer achievements - [ ] Multiplayer server should report completed matches (winner and stats) to backend server, so...
Show a statistic about the challenges with the player you are playing against * how many lines were sent per turn on average, something like * how many games have...
Players should be able to add their Discord and Twitter handle to the public profile. Tap on these handles links to the service. This way, players could contact each other.
A won TB battle should grant an achievement both on Apple GC and GPGS.
#### Issue details Instantiating a UiImage from a byte array can be done in the following way: `UIImage(NSData(bytearray))` However, it could be that the byte array contains invalid data (no...
ErgoAuth: user authentication protocol between wallet applications and dApps
This EIP proposes an open token sale contract that can be used to offer tokens at a specified price. It supports partial sells at a specified unit amount and an...
getApiV1BoxesP1 returns box information, but there doesn't seem to be a way to make it return information for unconfirmed boxes. Only way to retrieve box information for unconfirmed boxes is...