Benjamin Schulte

Results 116 comments of Benjamin Schulte

That would be a great addition. I usually end up setting transform and resizing the widgets this way, but it is... hacky.

While I also think it is good to have more options, I don't like the idea of having two iOS backends on the main repo again. There was some confusion...

> So what are the next steps here for me? Considering following my suggestion using an own repo for the backend and publish it so that everyone can use own...

> But the problem is I'm not sure how to provide the altered robovm/moe backend. You can create an own repo and either publish automatically with Jitpack if you have...

> The separate class is so users can have a library that just implements the changes into the existing libgdx project without conflicting classes. Would also work with a different...

> Further testing needs to be done. What exactly do people need to do for testing with own games and what should be looked for when testing?

I think it would be better to remain at a default of 60. 120 Hz might break some games, unseen by the developer because test devices supporting it are rare.

The important question here: is this a change breaking something, or is it non-breaking?

@mgsx-dev can you test if this works for you - except Android - in Eclipse?

Okay people, where are the desktop devs willing to test, review and approve so we can merge?