Leaflet.Elevation copied to clipboard
Issues in Internet Explorer and Edge
It seems there is a problem with the plugin in Internet Explorer and Edge, the icon doesn't appear on the track when the mouse is over the profile. Has anyone figured the cause of this? I believe there is a compatibility problem with the d3.js library.
I think some of the touch events changed in Edge, but I'm not sure and unfortunately currently have no time for investigation.
My solution for this issue was this : "if (L.Browser.chrome.touch) { background.on("touchmove.drag", this._dragHandler.bind(this)). on("touchstart.drag", this._dragStartHandler.bind(this)). on("touchstart.focus", this._mousemoveHandler.bind(this)); L.DomEvent.on(this._container, 'touchend', this._dragEndHandler, this);
} else {
background.on("mousemove.focus", this._mousemoveHandler.bind(this)).
on("mouseout.focus", this._mouseoutHandler.bind(this)).
on("mousedown.drag", this._dragStartHandler.bind(this)).
on("mousemove.drag", this._dragHandler.bind(this));
L.DomEvent.on(this._container, 'mouseup', this._dragEndHandler, this);
if (L.Browser.chrome) {
background.on("touchmove.drag", this._dragHandler.bind(this)).
on("touchstart.drag", this._dragStartHandler.bind(this)).
on("touchstart.focus", this._mousemoveHandler.bind(this));
L.DomEvent.on(this._container, 'touchend', this._dragEndHandler, this);
} else {
background.on("mousemove.focus", this._mousemoveHandler.bind(this)).
on("mouseout.focus", this._mouseoutHandler.bind(this)).
on("mousedown.drag", this._dragStartHandler.bind(this)).
on("mousemove.drag", this._dragHandler.bind(this));
L.DomEvent.on(this._container, 'mouseup', this._dragEndHandler, this);
if (L.Browser.ie.touch) {
background.on("mousemove.focus", this._mousemoveHandler.bind(this)).
on("mouseout.focus", this._mouseoutHandler.bind(this)).
on("mousedown.drag", this._dragStartHandler.bind(this)).
on("mousemove.drag", this._dragHandler.bind(this));
L.DomEvent.on(this._container, 'mouseup', this._dragEndHandler, this);
} else if (L.Browser.ie) {
background.on("mousemove.focus", this._mousemoveHandler.bind(this)).
on("mouseout.focus", this._mouseoutHandler.bind(this)).
on("mousedown.drag", this._dragStartHandler.bind(this)).
on("mousemove.drag", this._dragHandler.bind(this));
L.DomEvent.on(this._container, 'mouseup', this._dragEndHandler, this);
I don't know how elegant this is, but it works for all the browsers.
I see the same issue, with latest versions of Edge and IE.
@corinat Can you fork this repo and show what you changed to make the altitude appear when mousing over the profile ?
Hi @fbonzon . I created a pull request file where I put the code. I am not used working on github, so I hope I didn't mess things up. :)
see also #67