FastInv icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
FastInv copied to clipboard

Lightweight and easy-to-use inventory API for Bukkit plugins.


JitPack Discord

Lightweight and easy-to-use inventory API for Bukkit plugins.


  • Very small (less than 400 lines of code with the JavaDoc) and no dependencies
  • Works with all Bukkit versions from 1.7.10 to 1.19
  • Supports custom inventories (size, title and type)
  • Easy to use
  • Option to prevent a player from closing the inventory
  • The Bukkit inventory can still be directly used



                        <!-- Replace 'com.yourpackae' with the package of your plugin ! -->




plugins {
    id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '7.1.2'

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'fr.mrmicky:FastInv:3.0.3'

shadowJar {
    // Replace 'com.yourpackage' with the package of your plugin 
    relocate 'fr.mrmicky.fastinv', 'com.yourpackage.fastinv'


Simply copy and in your plugin. You can also add if you need.


Register FastInv

Before creating inventories, you just need to register your plugin by adding FastInvManager.register(this); in the onEnable() method of your plugin:

public void onEnable() {

Creating an inventory class

Now you can create an inventory by make a class that extends FastInv, and add items in the constructor. You can also override onClick, onClose and onOpen if you need.

Small example inventory:

package fr.mrmicky.fastinv.test;

import fr.mrmicky.fastinv.FastInv;
import fr.mrmicky.fastinv.ItemBuilder;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryOpenEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;

public class ExampleInventory extends FastInv {

    private boolean preventClose = false;

    public ExampleInventory() {
        super(45, ChatColor.GOLD + "Example inventory");

        // Just add a random item
        setItem(22, new ItemStack(Material.IRON_SWORD), e -> e.getWhoClicked().sendMessage("You clicked on the sword"));

        // Add some blocks to the borders
        setItems(getBorders(), new ItemBuilder(Material.LAPIS_BLOCK).name(" ").build());

        // Add a simple item to prevent closing the inventory
        setItem(34, new ItemBuilder(Material.BARRIER).name(ChatColor.RED + "Prevent close").build(), e -> {
            this.preventClose = !this.preventClose;

        // Prevent from closing when preventClose is to true
        setCloseFilter(p -> this.preventClose);

    public void onOpen(InventoryOpenEvent event) {
        event.getPlayer().sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "You opened the inventory");

    public void onClose(InventoryCloseEvent event) {
        event.getPlayer().sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "You closed the inventory");

    public void onClick(InventoryClickEvent event) {
        // do something

Now you can open the inventory:

new ExampleInventory().open(player);

Creating a 'compact' inventory

If you prefer, you can create a 'compact' inventory that doesn't require an entire class, but this is not recommended.

FastInv inv = new FastInv(InventoryType.DISPENSER, "Example compact inventory");

inv.setItem(4, new ItemStack(Material.NAME_TAG), e -> e.getWhoClicked().sendMessage("You clicked on the name tag"));
inv.addClickHandler(e -> player.sendMessage("You clicked on slot " + e.getSlot()));
inv.addCloseHandler(e -> player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Inventory closed"));;

Get the FastInv instance

You can easily get the FastInv instance from a Bukkit inventory with the holder:

if (inventory.getHolder() instanceof FastInv) {
    FastInv fastInv = (FastInv) inventory.getHolder();