godot_PCKManager copied to clipboard
Feature Request: Ability to copy file names to the clipboard
Since some of my PCK file names are long (and I am a poor typist) I modified your excellent plugin by:
- Adding a signal for RMB (Right Mouse Button) select into PCKInspectorDock.gd
- Allowing RMB select in the ItemList properties
- Adding this bit code:
func _on_ItemList_item_rmb_selected(index, at_position): OS.set_clipboard(itemList.get_item_text(index))
This may not be the most elegant solution so I am not submitting this a pull request, but it can save a lot of typing and I found it useful so I thought I would pass it along.
Hey, thanks for your feedback! I've already started adding features to the inspector (extracting data from the pck) but didn't had much time lately. As soon as I have time to work again on this plugin, I will add a "copy path to clipboard" feature in a context menu and release a updated version.