James Ellis
James Ellis
FWIW The ECB has a fairly good list of major currencies accessible in XML format, if required for on-the-fly exchange rate estimates: http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml
I'll try to put together a CSV file that reproduces this for you.
Hi, yes that would work if it was linked to the Account, allowing different payment methods on a per account basis. If the field could allow basic HTML or markdown...
Hi David, if the database field is a varchar(255) is there an issue with the code being greater than 16 characters ? Having a bank that doesn't provide a single...
I'd 2nd the Wildcard SSL on a subdomain, they are cheap-as-chips nowadays and can be used on every subdomain.
Here's a concrete example of 'Transfer' - Under the 'Taxes' main account I have $10,000 listed under 'Federal'. I then go into that account and then 'Transfer' $9000 of items...
Yep sorry, it's gotten a bit woolly. for 2) It's Apache + FCGI. Bog standard Ubuntu packages for Precise. The relevant timeout setting is in Apache config, current is: ```...
Hi, Yes, the ABN is going in the License field as "ABN 123456789" and that would be the relevant field for the invoice. The invoice also must have the wording...
Actually after reading issue #60 again, maybe it's better to have this information associated with an Accounts Receivable. It would be a bit more scalable allowing different Taxation/License numbers on...
Agree, the only way to inspect headers is to provide a custom HttpClient to the ClientBuilder that can override sendRequest and store the response.