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about the gates being blast resistant

Open Hyper-Tex opened this issue 4 years ago • 6 comments

While I get the idea gates shouldn't be destroyed, by something as simple as TNT or regular creepers, setting the blast resistance as high as you did made them completely invulnerable to explosions entirely. I'm not saying for you to revert it completely, but say... make just the base block as least a little more vulnerable to say... a charged creeper, or end crystal explosion. Not only is that just a single block you'd have to replace, but those explosions are far more powerful than TNT and regular creepers, near vanilla end game for the most part. And you could leave the other blocks the same. In terms of vanilla it'd almost be no change, but would let some mod players who like to play with bigger blasts, RPers, factions, be able to... well not completely destroy... just severely damage gates. Just a thought

Hyper-Tex avatar Jun 03 '20 12:06 Hyper-Tex

You see, the thing about stargates is that stargates are really resistant. I one episode a freaking asteriod hits the gate and it still survived. The similar goes for when SGC sent naquadah nuke for a test and the wormhole kept transmiting even after the explosion. Plus in config I think is a setting that shows Milky Way gate is invulnerable, but Universe gate can be blasted.

theForcy avatar Jun 05 '20 12:06 theForcy

You forgot about the part that a stargate can approach a sun or even a black hole without suffering much damage.

weberlepecheur avatar Jun 05 '20 15:06 weberlepecheur

You see, the thing about stargates is that stargates are really resistant. I one episode a freaking asteriod hits the gate and it still survived. The similar goes for when SGC sent naquadah nuke for a test and the wormhole kept transmiting even after the explosion. Plus in config I think is a setting that shows Milky Way gate is invulnerable, but Universe gate can be blasted.

You forgot about the part that a stargate can approach a sun or even a black hole without suffering much damage.

The key point is resistant, not invulnerable. Even in the show they stated multiple times the gate can be destroyed by a large enough explosion next to it. The meteorite was an exception but still had an explanation, stating molten naquada formed over the event horizon, making a natural iris. One can assume it had formed over the gate itself too, creating a protective cocoon of sorts, and the extra layer of naquada could absorb more energy. Same with the nuke, not only was it much further away than the meteroite, the planet it was set of on also had lots of naquada on it, likely making it do the same thing the meteorite did. But a close ranged blast, such as the SGC's nuke, could do it, or at least damage it (hey, the whole point of the post) to the point of being unable to be used. As for the whole sun and blackhole thing. Well, for the sun, there was a shield around the gate when it dove in and was likely retracted from the event-horizon, but not the ring itself as it needed to stay shielded for the gate to suck up that sun's gas so the sun would explode. And for the blackhole, it's small enough so it can be placed nearby for power without too much issue, plus, there's the whole time dilation thing to consider.

Keep in mind, while Jake is trying to make the mod as 'realistic' as possible, you do have to take minecraft's gameplay into account. Now, with that in mind, again, I'm only suggesting for the base block to be destructible, and again, by charged creepers and end crystals which are both more powerful than tnt and regular creepers. Then of course there's the mod scene. I play with draconic evolution, and anyone who's played that knows the reactor can make a really really really really big boom, in fact the biggest explosion in all modded minecraft as far as I know, but it still can't destroy gate blocks at point blank range. In fact, I did a test which I'll post a picture to. Screenshot (61) On the left, is a village I used a 280 explosion power fireball on (which can destroy gate blocks, obsidian is destroyed with a fireball of 9 explosion power). With a crater of about 45 blocks (can't really see it in this pic, but it's between the two closest farms) and 20 blocks deep (not sure on depth, had to eyeball it). On the right, is a draconic reactor explosion crater about 670 blocks wide. And keep in mind, this is not side by side, it's at an angle. The whole village can just about fit in the water filled crater (filled it myself by the way). And yet, the fireball was able to brake gate blocks and not the reactor XD (could still destroy obsidian, what jake said the gate blocks were as strong as). I find that hilarious.

Now, of course, it's best to base any mod changes on vanilla, that's why I suggested charged creepers and end crystal level explosions as the level of explosion power needed to do it. And, he could still use the less powerful explosions later for gate jumping if he implements that someday.

I guess mainly this suggestion is for RP and factions purposes mostly, I'll admit, being able to sabotage gates when making escapes through an enemy gate with some kind of redstone timed end crystal explosive, or keeping an enemy from escaping, as an example, but still. And once more, I'm not suggesting this for all the gate blocks, just the base block alone, that's all.

if it's still not a good suggestion, Jake can close this issue. I just wanted to put it out there

Hyper-Tex avatar Jun 08 '20 12:06 Hyper-Tex

Fair enough

theForcy avatar Jun 09 '20 08:06 theForcy

I think that explosion would have to be VERY big. The gate managed to survive a mark IX naquadah warhead (SG1: Beachhead) without being destroyed. All it did was fall over and glow. Draconic reactor explosion might do the trick though

Geocube101 avatar Jun 23 '20 20:06 Geocube101

I think that explosion would have to be VERY big. The gate managed to survive a mark IX naquadah warhead (SG1: Beachhead) without being destroyed. All it did was fall over and glow. Draconic reactor explosion might do the trick though

@Geocube101 And was being shielded by an ori prior. Again, I refer you to my screenshot, the reactor going boom (on the right) doesn't bust a gate, but a gast fireball with power 280, (on the left) which doesn't to as much damage the the area, can. And my thing is, a gast fireball set to a power lvl of... I think it was about 10 I believe, can bust obsidian, which is what @MrJake222 said the gate blocks were as strong as, but I think he might have set it to bedrock strength instead. this is the command I used to summon the fireball /summon fireball ~ ~1 ~ {ExplosionPower:X,direction:[0.0,0.0,0.0]} Just replace 'X' with the number of your choice if you wanna test. shrug Oh, make sure you hit the fireball with a bow and arrow, sometimes it'll just explode if you just punch it, never reaching the target. And again, I want to emphasizes, I don't want all the blocks to change, the chevron and ring blocks, that's fine, leave them they currently are. The only thing that I think should be destructible (on the milky way gates, and the pegasus gates in the future) should be the base block alone, and again, with explosives more powerful than TNT, like charged creepers or end crystals (in terms of vanilla). And that should also allow mods with more powerful explosions (like the draconic reactor) to destroy the base block too. I know, i'm being annoying trying to get this change, but it just doesn't feel right having the gate not be damageable in some small way, you know?

Hyper-Tex avatar Jun 28 '20 08:06 Hyper-Tex