sim7600-tool copied to clipboard
Command Line tool for basic communication with SIM7600E 4G & GPS module
SIM7600 Tool
Command Line tool for basic communication with SIM7600E 4G & GPS module.
The tool is WIP and built specifically for the Waveshare SIM7600E-H Raspberry Pi HAT on an Raspberry Pi 3+ with Raspbian Buster but may work on other modules or platforms.
The tool is currently not hosted on the official Debian repositories therefore you have to download it manually.
Download Debian package from release section and install it by running:
sudo apt-get install ./sim-tool_1.0.0-1_all.deb
For basic information about the usage type:
sim-tool --help
or just sim-tool
sim-tool [tool] [options]
sms : Tools for SMS
gps : Tools for GPS
lte : Tools for LTE/data
Basic options used for all commands
-f --file : Write output json to specified file
-p --port : Device to use, default /dev/ttyS0
-v --verbose : Activate verbose logging to console
-h --help : Print usage information
--version : Print the version number (no action)
For tool specific options see sections below.
sim-tool allows to read and delete SMS stored on the SIM7600 module. To receive incoming SMS the module must be active (see LTE).
Read SMS (default state is "unread")
sim-tool sms -a read
Read SMS in state "read"
sim-tool sms -a read --status=read
Read all SMS including read, unread and sent
sim-tool sms -a read --status=all
Delete all SMS
sim-tool sms -a delete
sim-tool allows to read the current position of the module using its built-in GPS module.
Position is returned as JSON of form:
{"altitude": 51.4, "longitude": 7.4029464166666665, "course": 124.0, "time": "2020-04-23T06:48:34.000Z", "latitude": 51.8361417, "speed": 0.0}
Get Position
sim-tool gps
When reading the current position the GPS module is activated when inactive.
Reading the position can take longer when the module is inactive.
When the module cannot get a position {}
is returned.
Calculate difference of positions in m
sim-tool gps -a distance --location1="{\"latitude\": 51.83609516666667, \"longitude\": 7.40293035}" --location2="{\"latitude\": 51.4589493434, \"longitude\": 7.3434}"
LTE / 4G / Data
sim-tool supports setup of SIM7600 as a IP network interface in Linux. Futhermore it allows to read state information like home network or signal strength.
Activate device
sim-tool lte -a activate-device
Activate raw_ip for network interface
sim-tool lte -a activate-raw-ip
Activate network
sim-tool lte -a activate-network
Activate DHCP and get an IP
sim-tool lte -a activate-dhcp
Get operation mode
sim-tool lte -a mode
Get home network
sim-tool lte -a network
Get signal strength
sim-tool lte -a signal
Get the name of the Linux network interface
sim-tool lte -a interface