Enjon copied to clipboard
Game engine created using OpenGL and C++
-[BUG] In compiled builds, if no camera is present, need to tell user that.
-[BUG] ...\Enjon-master\TestSuite\Source\TestSuiteMain.cpp(14): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'vld.h': No such file or directory. Needs to be included with engine distribution.
- [BUG] ...\Enjon-master\Editor\editor_resource.rc(2): error RC2135: file not found: D:\Projects\Enjon - Path is not relative to engine build. change to: #define IDI_ICON1 101 IDI_ICON1 ICON enjonicon.ico
- [BUG] In the UI, when you open the color selector and moves the mouse to outside the dock (but still inside the selector), the color selector window closes.