I see this two of my three devices, the Enviro Urban and Weather. It does occur in the Indoor, but it's not as obvious, I assume that this is because...
WIth regards both this, and pull #160 (Add usb temp compensation to weather) The biggest issue that I see is when the reading that has the WiFi turned on is...
I think that what I was hoping for is that there should be 2 adjustment values - one for the 'background' additional heat that is there due to either the...
My WiFi password is 16 chars, and checking it on my newly upgraded Urban board, it isn't truncated.
@VGONUL can you post the new log file from the Grow device please? that's were any errors will show up.
OK, so it's defaulting to a GMT time server, not to a Polish one, This would need to be tweaked in the code. looking at your log file: upload at...
My understanding of how the wind speed was generated was that each tick was recorded as a time stamp. The number of ticks was then divided by the time between...
My weather station is normally set to take readings every 2 minutes (or every 5 currently, but that's because I'm not switching it back until the patch code goes to...
"support for staggered times should be added" - I'd love for this to be added as an option. I'd love for my uploads to be scheduled for h:02 & h:32...
I think that this may be due to a switch in the code from being timer based to being clock based. The previous timer set the clock to wake in...