sphinx_rtd_dark_mode copied to clipboard
Black text on sphinx-rtd-theme with Breathe C++ autodoc
Overall this is a great theme and I love the animation when switching light/dark themes. Just a small issue with the api autodoc which causes class names to be black.
The specific CSS selector in the upstream sphinx-rtd-theme
which causes this is:
html.writer-html4 .rst-content dl:not(.docutils) .descclassname,html.writer-html4 .rst-content dl:not(.docutils) .descname,html.writer-html4 .rst-content dl:not(.docutils) .sig-name,html.writer-html5 .rst-content dl[class]:not(.option-list):not(.field-list):not(.footnote):not(.citation):not(.glossary):not(.simple) .descclassname,html.writer-html5 .rst-content dl[class]:not(.option-list):not(.field-list):not(.footnote):not(.citation):not(.glossary):not(.simple) .descname,html.writer-html5 .rst-content dl[class]:not(.option-list):not(.field-list):not(.footnote):not(.citation):not(.glossary):not(.simple) .sig-name{font-family:SFMono-Regular,Menlo,Monaco,Consolas,Liberation Mono,Courier New,Courier,monospace;color:#000}
Hi, thank you for the report. Could you please include an example bit of code to show exactly where the issue occurs? Thank you.
I do have a screenshot that illustrates the issue:
Disabling the css selector in sphinx-rtd-theme
fixes it.
I will attempt to put together a minimal example later.