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filipe-maia avatar Apr 17 '19 17:04 filipe-maia example:

X-Generation Aftermarket Firmware for Playstation Portable™

PRO Firmware is a Aftermarket Firmware for Playstation Portable™.

It's licensed under the GPLv3, and thus is under full control of the community, made by users for the users.

It will continue to provide you with new features, even after Sony drops the plattform and allows you to develope your own applications for PSP.

News Bulletin 08.05.12: Updated Binary Downloads with Linkbucks to help Prometheus Server Upgrade Funding. 06.10.12: Nightly Building Bot updated. Now produces properly working CIPL.

Supported Kernel and Hardware Revisions 6.20 [1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g] 6.35 [1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, 7g, 9g] 6.39 [1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, 7g, 9g] 6.60 [1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, 7g, 9g, 11g]

Downloads 6.20 PRO-C2 6.35 PRO-C2 6.39 PRO-C2 6.60 PRO-C2 OpenCMA for PS Vita (1.69 and below) OpenCMA for PS Vita (1.80 including error fix) Cross Plattform ISO Compressor ▾ OUTDATED FILES ▾

Most frequently mentioned features Homebrew Compatible - Run your own unsigned applications, both user and kernel mode. Plugin Compatible - Add new features to your PSP via kernel mode background plugins. ISO / CSO Game Dump Playback - Backup your own UMD discs via USB and play them from Flash Storage. 2g+ Memory Range Unlock - Use the previously locked RAM range within your own homebrews. NODRM Engine - Use your bought DLCs, no matter on which PSN account you are currently logged in. PSX Emulator Unlock - Play your PSX classics, yes - all of them. Not just PSN titles. And a lot more...

Support the Project If you wish to help the project by other means than coding, then please consider donating a small amount of money to boost our working morale and help covering server costs for our online gaming server at


Project Information The project was created on May 28, 2011. License: GNU GPL v3 719 stars hg-based source control Labels: C Kernel SDK Game DevTool Extension

filipe-maia avatar Apr 18 '19 16:04 filipe-maia

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This tutorial will guide you on how to setup a working development environment for compiling the PRO CFW sourcecode on Ubuntu Linux.

It requires you to have basic knowledge on how to handle a bash terminal.

Setting up the PSPSDK

Due to problems with the PSPSDK subversion repository, this tutorial will explain an alternative and easier route on how to setup a minimalistic PSPSDK for compiling the PRO CFW.

Grab the Ubuntu .deb Package for your CPU-architecture from the MinPSPW Sourceforge Page.
Open a bash terminal and issue the following commands.
    cd Downloads
    sudo dpkg -i minpspw.deb
    gedit .profile
        Add the following lines to the bottom of the file, then save and close it.
        export PATH=$PATH:/opt/pspsdk/bin
        export PSPSDK=/opt/pspsdk
    sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
    sudo reboot
        This will reboot your system, just log back into your user after it's done.
Grab the latest PRO CFW sourcecode from the Mercurial Repository.
Open a bash terminal and cd into the PRO CFW sourcecode folder, then issue the following commands.
    cd contrib/PrxEncrypter/
    chmod +x PrxEncrypter
    sudo mv PrxEncrypter /opt/pspsdk/bin/
    gedit build.mak
        Search for...
        ... and replace it with...
        ... then save the file and close it.
    sudo cp build.mak /opt/pspsdk/psp/sdk/lib/

Congratulations. You now have a KIRK signature compatible PSPSDK set up and are ready to compile PRO CFW.

Compiling PRO CFW

Grab the latest PRO CFW sourcecode from the Mercurial Repository.
Open a bash terminal and cd into the PRO CFW sourcecode folder, then issue the following commands.
    make clean
    make clean_lib
    make build_lib
    Depending on the PRO version you wish to build this final command can be...
        make CONFIG_620=1
        make CONFIG_635=1
        make CONFIG_639=1

Congratulations. After waiting for the compilation process to finish, you should now have a newly created "dist" folder in your PRO CFW sourcecode directory, which contains ready to distribute PRO CFW installation executables.

Note: If you are building the most recent commits then you should pass NIGHTLY=1 to make also well. It's good for bug-tracking.

filipe-maia avatar Apr 18 '19 16:04 filipe-maia

procfw -


A QuickStart is the process of loading and executing Aftermarket Modules from the flash0 NAND partition.

After performing a QuickStart the system modules are patched for increased functionality by the Aftermarket Modules.

filipe-maia avatar Apr 18 '19 16:04 filipe-maia

procfw -


The 620 PRO Bootloader Installer is a application which is part of the PRO CFW Project.

It installs a custom replacement XMB shell which exploits a security flaw in the Runlevel Execution of the 6.20 Kernel to auto-execute a QuickStart on system start.

Hold SELECT button during the bootstrap it will boot into OFW. Hold O+X+SELECT+START during the bootstrap the perament patch will emergency uninstall. Use it as a last resort.

filipe-maia avatar Apr 18 '19 16:04 filipe-maia

procfw -


The Aftermarket Modules are part of the PRO CFW Project.

Their purpose lies in patching and extending the system modules to provide the enduser with a richer set of features.


Most of the work done by the Aftermarket Modules lies in properly hooking and patching loose ends aswell as disabling system security to allow proper execution of custom content.

They are split into several supporting libraries, distributing tasks to multiple small modules to provide modularity and most effective use of system memory.

filipe-maia avatar Apr 18 '19 16:04 filipe-maia

procfw -


PRO Online (aka aemu or Prometheus) is a WIP (Work in Progress) Project by Coldbird to make Adhoc Titles playable online just like any other Infrastructure Title, without the need of extra equipment (unlike Xlink Kai).


At the time of writing version 0.06 is undergoing public beta testing with confirmed working titles being: * Ace Combat - Joint Assault * Armored Core 3 Portable * Outrun 2006 - Coast 2 Coast * Dungeon Siege - Throne of Agony * Dissidia Final Fantasy * Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy * Metal Gear Solid - Portable Ops * Metal Gear Solid - Portable Ops + * SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 3 * Monster Hunter Portable 3 * Fat Princess - Fistful of Cake * Tekken 6 * Split Second Velocity * Warship Gunner 2 Portable * God Eater * Gods Eater Burst * Mod Nation Racers * Untold Legends - Brotherhood of the Blade * Untold Legends - The Warriors Code * Virtua Tennis 3 * Pangya Fantasy Golf * Blood Bowl * Worms Open Warfare 2 * Worms Battle Islands

The official community forums can be found at

filipe-maia avatar Apr 18 '19 16:04 filipe-maia

procfw -


After being requested by several people here is a compilation guide for PRO CFW on Windows Operating Systems using Cygwin.


In this tutorial I will use the Cygwin Bash Shell to reproduce a Linux-Like Environment for PSP Development, capable of compiling not only but also PRO CFW.

Follow the listed instructions and commands and you will be guided to a fully working Windows Cygwin Setup for PRO CFW compiling.

Grab Cygwin Setup from
(Optional) Find the fastest mirror using this Cygwin Mirror Tester
Install Cygwin to Default Location and make sure to install ALL PACKAGES, takes a few hours to install and takes about 2GB download quota
Grab Minimalistic PSPSDK from
Install Minimalist PSPSDK to Default Location
Open Cygwin Bash Shell from Start Menu -> Cygwin
Issue the following commands to install Mercurial
easy_install -U mercurial
Grab a copy of the PRO CFW sourcecode using the following command
hg clone
Issue the following commands to install the PrxEncrypter
cd procfw/contrib/PrxEncrypter
mv PrxEncrypter.exe /bin/
Edit the build.mak file in the procfw/contrib/PrxEncrypter folder with a editor of your choice (Notepad++, VIM, etc.), change the line starting with "ENC = ..." to "ENC = PrxEncrypter" and save the file.
Copy the build.mak file to C:\pspsdk\psp\sdk\lib and overwrite the old build.mak file, this will result in giving your SDK EBOOT.PBP Signature Support.
Issue the following commands to add the make utility in version 3.80, the one shipped with Cygwin (3.81) doesn't support windows paths, which prevents you from compiling PRO CFW.
mv /bin/make.exe /bin/make-381.exe
mv make.exe /bin/

Congratulations. You have setup a fully working Windows Cygwin PSPSDK ready for use with PRO CFW and hopefully a lot of other PSP developments.

To compile PRO CFW, navigate into the procfw folder and issue the required make commands.

For 6.20 PRO it would be...

cd ~/procfw
make deps
make CONFIG_620=1

filipe-maia avatar Apr 18 '19 16:04 filipe-maia

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For those who wish to walk the bleeding edge of our latest developments without getting involved with compiling can grab nightly builds from this WikiPage.

The following links get updated automatically every day at 23 'o clock UTC time by Coldbird's server.




filipe-maia avatar Apr 18 '19 16:04 filipe-maia

procfw -


The PROUPDATE Executable is part of the PRO CFW Project.

Its purpose lies in installing the Aftermarket Modules to the flash0 NAND partition for later execution through a QuickStart.


The PROUPDATE Executable aquires VSH stage NAND writing permission via a PXE environment which temporarly sets the Installer Executable as the main XMB shell.

This PXE environment in turn relies on a Kernel Exploit to setup a minimalistic CFW environment.

filipe-maia avatar Apr 18 '19 16:04 filipe-maia

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Before installing, you need to make sure your PSP is compatible.

At the time of writing this article, PRO CFW supports 4 different PSP Kernel.


If your PSP runs a firmware, lower or equal to 6.60, your PSP should be compatible to PRO CFW.

Should your PSP run a firmware, lower than your target PRO Base Kernel Version, grab and install the appropriate Update File from the mirror chart below.

| Version | UMD Models | GO Model | |:--------|:-----------|:---------| | 6.20 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD | | 6.35 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD | | 6.39 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD | | 6.60 | DOWNLOAD | DOWNLOAD |


You read the introduction and now know your PSP is compatible to PRO CFW. Now it's time to install the Aftermarket Firmware Modules into your system.

Grab the latest binary release from the Google Code Download Page and unpack it. You will find two (or three, if you got the 6.20 / 6.39 / 6.60 version) folders of interest which you will use to install and operate the Aftermarket Firmware.

PROUPDATE - Application to install Aftermarket Module
FastRecovery - Application to QuickStart Aftermarket Modules
620PRO_Permanent - Permanent Bootloader Installer (for 6.20 Kernel only)

CIPLFlasher - Application to install a CIPL-based permanent Bootloader (for 1g and 2g-first gen units only)
    Copy all of them onto your PSP inside the PSP/GAME subfolder and disconnect your PSP from PC.
    Start the PROUPDATE Executable to install the Aftermarket Modules, delete it afterwards, you won't need it again unless you wish to uninstall PRO CFW again.
    If you are running the 6.20 Kernel Version of PRO CFW, you can, if you wish to, execute the 620PRO_Permanent executable, to install a custom bootloader to automatically load and execute Aftermarket Modules for you when you turn on your PSP, afterwards, delete this executable aswell, unless you wish to uninstall the bootloader again.
    The same applies for 6.39 / 6.60 Kernel Version of PRO CFW, but using the CIPLFlasher application.

Note: Holding L Button during installation will reset your configuration to default and rewrite all the Aftermarket Modules.

Daily Use

You have installed the PRO CFW Aftermarket Modules on your PSP as described above. Now it's time to learn how to use it efficiently.

After the installation, you will be QuickStarted into the CFW environment automatically, however, in the future you will have to boot it manually every time you shutdown and restart your PSP.

Due to the PSPs security design, it's not possible for all PRO CFW versions to QuickBoot automatically everytime you turn on your system.

This is only possible if your PSP is compatible to the 6.20 / 6.39 / 6.60 PRO CFW version and only if you installed the optional 6.20 PRO Bootloader or CIPL.

All other PRO revisions need to be QuickStarted manually by executing the FastRecovery application.

Once executed, PRO CFW will remain active until you shutdown your PSP system.

Summed up, if you restart your PSP, it will be back in OFW mode and behave just like every other normal PSP until you QuickStart it back into CFW mode.

filipe-maia avatar Apr 18 '19 16:04 filipe-maia

procfw -


FastRecovery is a application which is part of the PRO CFW Project.

Its sole purpose lies in performing a QuickStart to boot a OFW into a CFW environment for extended functionality.


To perform a QuickStart, a existing installation of the Aftermarket Modules on flash0 is required.


FastRecovery overrides the Reboot Sector in memory via a combination of Kernel Exploits. This replaced / patched Reboot Sector in turn circumvents further security levels to allow the Aftermarket Modules to get executed.

filipe-maia avatar Apr 18 '19 16:04 filipe-maia

procfw -


The PSP uses a Runlevel-System similiar to that of Linux Operating Systems to dynamically load and unload modules.

The Reboot Sector is the very first code that gets executed everytime the system switches from one runlevel to another.


The Reboot Sector of the PSP is always located at the same location in Kernel Memory, it contains security code to prevent the execution of unsigned modules.

In PRO CFW this is circumvented by replacing the Reboot Sector with a custom one to remove parts of the security code.

This is done by utilizing a handful of different Kernel Exploits.

filipe-maia avatar Apr 18 '19 16:04 filipe-maia