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Pro-C Compatibility Problem
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Syphon Filter Combat Ops EU or US Servers will be compatible!
2.Syphon Filter Logan's Shadow EU or US Servers will be compatible too!
3.It will attract more people,using Pro-C due to this game.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
I expect to play this wonderful game,but it stills saying "Error (1013)
(ffffffff)",when i try to connect to the Prometheus Server
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Im Using PSP GO [5g] with Pro-C 6.60 and Pro-Client 0.10 (R58)
Please provide any additional information below.
Thank You,for reading my issiue and i hope fix it as soon as you can,Cause im
not the only one who waits!
Original issue reported on by [email protected]
on 21 Sep 2012 at 3:20
PRO Online is used for tuneling Ad-Hoc packets over the internet. What your
talking about is a standard Infrastructure connection and that has nothing to
do with PRO Online.
You can try runing those games in Ad-Hoc modes using the Pro Online Client but
it wont work with Infrastructure.
Original comment by piotrekhenry
on 21 Sep 2012 at 8:13
im talking about SF Game,it was the best online psp game for 7 years,and NONE
of the Clients does NOT support the AD-HOC packets..I mean it freezes while
it's loading to Prometheus Server,and then boom,psp shuts down..i talk for ALL
SF Games,but especially for EU one...I just wanna make Pro-C compatible,like
Metal Gear Solid?..Its a Standard Infastructure connection too!?...right?
why you wont do it the same with SFCO,while its being better 3rd person shooter
game in PSP?..
Thanks a lot,for reading my post and i hope fix it :)
Original comment by [email protected]
on 22 Sep 2012 at 9:11
Metal Gear Solid has only Ad-Hoc modes (at least MGS Peace Walker and MGS
Portable Ops).
The best Online (Infrastructure) game I would call Phantasy Star Portable 2.
I gues you do not realize the diffirence between Ad-Hoc and Infrastructure.
Like I said before. PRO Online is NOT ment to redirect Infrastructure packets.
That would have to be a completely diffirent feature.
Pro Online is ment for games that DO NOT HAVE Infrastructure play modes and
enables them to play ad-hoc games over the internet. Games that already support
infrastructure connections dont need it.
Original comment by piotrekhenry
on 23 Sep 2012 at 4:01
[deleted comment]
Well,you didnt understand that the servers of SF are down or you did?..Because
if you did you would realize also that everyone wants to play the best 3rd
person Shooter game,instead of Resistance Retribution a Targer Lock shit,which
by the way has Infracture mode and Ad-Hoc AND RR is FULL-COMPATIBLE WITH PRO-C
Client PLUS! its INFRACTURE Servers are OPEN and not shutted down since 91 days
like SF Games.Now what?..If this is unfair,i think i must warn Coldbird,which
by the way i have inform them about this problem,and you know what did they
say?..We will come back to this problem of compability after we finish with
PSVita Hacks..So if you dont feel ME and the other 1000 guys who waiting this
game been ALIVE AGAIN,i think this matter will be with no perks and it will be
endless..If this isnt your work like you said..just do something.I dont know
what,but HELP!..I really,understand everyone's position,and especially yours,i
understand that its NOT YOUR work to DO THIS,But 1)You claimed wrong things and
2)I think in someway can help me and other ppl who waiting with this problem
:)...Thanks For reading!:D
I hope you understand Mr.piotrekhenry
Original comment by [email protected]
on 24 Sep 2012 at 1:48
I do understand. We all have our favourite games.
You didnt mention that the official servers are down, and I'm not a fortune
teller to know that. Still your asking for a completely new feature, not
increasing the compatibility of an existing feature.
If SF games dont have Ad-Hoc modes then they wont be compatibile with PRO
Online as it is.
From what I know making an Infrastructure game mode compatibile would require
hosting a copy of the official server since it's not just a matching server
(like PRO Online), but a game host that does much more than exchange IP
adresses between users.
It is not impossible, but the effort needed to do such a thing could be too big
to complete a feature like this.
On the other hand you could try looking for developers of provate servers of
other Online Infrastructure games Like Phantasy star Universe (PS2) which have
a similal setup and their official servers are down being replaced by private
servers. Those devs could probably give you much better information than you
could get here.
Original comment by piotrekhenry
on 24 Sep 2012 at 6:45
No,it has AD-HOC Mode,but the Infracture one is down forever since 3months
ago.Me and many guys who were playing this game,searched in Sony Bend,the
developer of SF Games..As far as i know (from some links) they close it for a
reason which has bussiness with money or somewhat.I wanna ask also,that in your
hands,this is impossible?.If it is,why Resistance Retribution is compatible
with this Pro-Client thing...And if its impossible,how Coldbird said that he
will fix it?..
Thanks,for reading :)
Original comment by [email protected]
on 25 Sep 2012 at 5:40
I said it is not impossible. Your not reading what I type carefully.
You kept saying over and over about the official servers and Infrastructure
modes like th game didnt have Ad-Hoc modes.
Sure. Al song as the game is Ad-Hoc compatibile then it's compatibility can be
fixed some time soon.
We had a severe case of misunderstanding here.
Original comment by piotrekhenry
on 25 Sep 2012 at 7:49
[deleted comment]
Whatever you guys are saying... SF is the best online shooter game if you
believe me or not --> Everyone who has played SF says its the best game. And
there are some retarded ppl who really think Socom, RR or MGS is better than
SF... God help them.
Sorry I got tired of these ppl^^
Back to topic:
SF can surely be fixed. Since the SF servers have been shut down, you can't use
Infrastructure yeah... so what's the problem? Now we just need to wait till
Coldbird fixes the compatiblity of SF to play through Ad-hoc.
While waiting for that, you can stay in contact with the SF ppl on the
community homepage and be informed about any news of SF.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 26 Sep 2012 at 12:46
So,if you feel me,it means you have understand me,and you can fix that
compability because its a FUCKEN wrong,SF should be the 1st game in priority of
making it COMPATIBLE with that CFW and NOT MAKING worse games been
compatible,in a way that everyone knows that there is nothing better than
Syphon Filter Series,and if i have been confedential to you,you can tell me the
reason for,(Why!)SF hasnt been compatible and the other games have
been!?..Also,what is NOT Impossible?..Im a hacker too,and i can say that
Why Prometheus Server is down?..i mean i cant have an access in the site(AND I
Please,Fix that problem and make ProServer avaliable again...That's the last 2
things ''we'' want..
Thanks,for reading! :)
Original comment by [email protected]
on 26 Sep 2012 at 3:50
[deleted comment]
Prometheus has a new adress now.
Longswordsould i think i know you...
Anyway please join the SF-Community homepage to stay in contact with the SF ppl:
And here's the new adress of the Pro server:
Original comment by [email protected]
on 26 Sep 2012 at 7:10
I strongly disagree with [email protected] since SF series are NOT the
bast games on the PSP. They are good to play once to pass the sotry, but thats
about it for my taste.
Any Shooters are far better on a PC where you can use a decent targeting tool
like a mouse.
I doubt that this kind of attitude will speed things up. I think it will make
the exact opposite.
Original comment by piotrekhenry
on 27 Sep 2012 at 12:20
I can see,that you dont like SF,but helping us and other 1000 players play
it,makes you a real helper for us..And if you dont like it,it doesnt mean its
not good,cant be compatible..And ok wtf?..that's your hobby,ok,but making all
games compatible except this wonderfull game,means that YOU DONT WANT IT,NOT
God..Help us!
[email protected],what's your Name on SFCO (EU/US) or SFLS (US)?
Original comment by [email protected]
on 27 Sep 2012 at 1:30
I didnt say I DONT like the game. What I dont like is the attutude "This game
is the best and the rest is cap* " which [email protected] is showing above.
Original comment by piotrekhenry
on 27 Sep 2012 at 6:45
ok,now leave from him,and come to me,in OUR Serious talk okay?..I wanna listen
to you,what's your ideas,about making SF compatible with Prometheus Server...
Help Us!
Original comment by [email protected]
on 28 Sep 2012 at 3:12
I Really dont want to continue this ENDLESS Conversation,
!!!!!NOTE:Common Problems while i'm trying to play with PRO-Client
a) "Error (1013) (ffffffff)"
b) I Get Freeze,and psp closes
Original comment by [email protected]
on 30 Sep 2012 at 4:03
[deleted comment]
[deleted comment]
At piotrekhenry:
I didn't say that the SF series were the best games. I said that the SF games
were the best "online shooter games"! And every other online game is actually
crap. Even MGS PW! The controls of MGS are too slow to play properly.
MGS PW is a great game and it has one of the best stories on PSP (better than
all SF stories). But hey.. we are talking about "ONLINE GAMING" so SF is the
boss here!
Sorry i might seem very arrogant now. But I hate it when ppl say MGS or any
other shooter games are better than SF. That's not right!
And look:
Syphon Filter Combat Ops is specialized for online gaming.
Click on this link: and
read that topic. If you still don't agree that SFCO is the best online shooter
game (PSP) then you must be a 9 year old kid that needs aim assist.
(Don't take it personaly)
Original comment by [email protected]
on 30 Sep 2012 at 4:35
!!!!!NOTE:Common Problems while i'm trying to play with PRO-Client
a) "Error (1013) (ffffffff)"
b) I Get Freeze,and psp closes
Original comment by [email protected]
on 12 Oct 2012 at 8:51
i use pro online client 0.10 and when i start SF combat ops and when i choose
adhoc it freezes everytime i use adhoc i tried it many times but it freeezes
help pls
Original comment by [email protected]
on 15 Jan 2013 at 10:20
[deleted comment]
We all got the same problem and nobody have gave any solution to that matter.SF
GAME has many fans please make it compatible..Talk with Coldbird.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 30 Oct 2013 at 8:07