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Feature request: Disable MagicGate
I have photofast for cheap large space to put files on. Unfortunately it
doesn't support MagicGate which causes pretty long loading times when booting,
using USB, starting game, e.g.
Some Googling around said disabling it helps but I haven't found way to do it.
There is this "Irshell" but haven't found working version of it.
Is this option possible to make and does it actually effect MS card speed with
fake/non-magicgate cards?
I'm using 6.20 PRO-C ATM.
Original issue reported on by [email protected]
on 2 Sep 2012 at 1:41
Magic gate is enabled if your MS supports it, Disabled if it doesent.
IrShell is the IRda (Infra red) communication port in PSP 1000 (FAT) series and
has nothing in sommon with MS Magic gate.
You can try using MS speedup from the recovery menu or simply buy a genuine MS
with Magic gate.
Original comment by piotrekhenry
on 3 Sep 2012 at 10:14
Well I wish it would be disabled but now it is "Unkown" as every photofast is.
Irshell is actually piece of software for PSP as you can see on this video:
I have set up MS speedup from PRO menu but it only seems to effect some game
starup. Nothing else.
I also do have 2 genuine cards but they are really low capasity ones compared
to mighty photofast with 32GB.
I don't know much about this matter but google brings most commonly answer to
disable magicgate with irshell which doesn't work.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 3 Sep 2012 at 12:33
You cant overclock your MS or overcome hardware limitations with software
Either buy a genuine 32GB Sony MS for a load of cash ( last i've seen in Poland
was an equivalent of 3-4 workth of the PSP) or choose between fast but small or
big but slow if you want it cheap.
Original comment by piotrekhenry
on 3 Sep 2012 at 5:39
The funny thing is that the "fake" Photofast micro SD adapter (looks exactly
like the CR-5400, with minor differences in the 2 micro SD slots which are not
"rounded") works way faster than the real one. There are a lot of similar
"unofficial" micro SD adapters (with and without Photofast logo/branding), but
I don't know whether they are of the same make, quality, performance.
I have tested the flash memory speed with Blackspeed v2.0 (homebrew for the
-Fake Photofast:
result= 7 MB/s write; 17 MB/s read; performance index: 958
-Genuine Photofast CR-5400:
result= 6.25 MB/s write; 9 MB/s read: performance index: 262
All tests are done with 2x 8 GB Kingston class 4 micro SD cards with PRO CFW
6.20 C-fix3.
As for the MS speed up feature, it has never worked for me, not with a genuine
Sony MagicGate Memory Stick and not with my Photofast micro SD adapter (incl.
fake & genuine), in fact it's slowing down the memory sticks and photofast SD
adapters even further and could actually cause static noises in games.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 8 Sep 2012 at 2:01
Well problem ain't r/w speeds but when booting up PSP or disconnecting USB or
anything like that PSP seems to think for almost 10 seconds what card it has.
Altought everything is working fine and games don't lag it does have some
effect on gaming becouse prior starting game everything is slow or should I say
I know this isn't PRO problem but could someone take a look at it? There has
been answer that isn't working anymore. You can find many of forum threads and
such just by googling "Irshell disable magicgate"
and I'm pretty sure I'm not only one with photofast. Right?
Original comment by [email protected]
on 8 Sep 2012 at 9:13
That might be a filesystem issue. If you create the cyustom IPL injected MS (ie
for making a MMS to use along wit ha pandora tool) it will result in such acess
laggs. Try formatting your MS with a PC or with your PSP.
Also with all those diffirent addapters for diffirent cards it's hard to gues
what can be the issue. One thing is clear - its not a PRO CFW issue.
Original comment by piotrekhenry
on 9 Sep 2012 at 7:32