procfw copied to clipboard
Aquaria not working (memory lacking) 6.39 pro-b10fix1
When I launch Aquaria on my psp the game always return to XMB.
Tested with (all lcfw):
6.39 pro-10fix1 on psp 3000 "umd cache" enabled and disabled;
6.39 pro nightly, on psp go, "inferno & NP9660 iso cache" enabled (23MB) and
"iso cache" disabled with "unlock memory in psp games" enabled.
Then I wrote an e-mail to Andrew Church. He told me:
"Your EBOOT.PBP runs fine on my PSP (PSP-2000 model). The symptom you describe
sounds exactly like what would happen if only 32MB was available, which makes
me think that your CFW version either isn't unlocking the RAM properly or
splits it into multiple pieces (Aquaria requires that all the RAM be in a
single contiguous block, as in 5.00 M33).
Did you build from the Aquaria source yourself? If so, you should have the
aquaria.prx executable in your build directory. Try copying that to the install
directory on your Memory Stick and running it directly from the PSPlink shell;
it should output debug messages that tell you what's going wrong. If you see
something like:
14.630597: src/sysdep-psp/memory.c:137(psp_mem_alloc_pools): Not enough memory!
(want=02E00000 total_free=012A9E00 max_free=012A9E00)
that tells you your PSP doesn't have enough memory free. You can also
use PSPlink's "meminfo" command to check how much memory is available;
you should see something like:
Memory Partitions:
1 | 0x88000000 | 3145728 | 296192 | 268544 | 000C |
2 | 0x08800000 | 54525952 | 54509568 | 54509568| 000F |
3 | 0x88000000 | 3145728 | 296192 | 268544 | 000C |
4 | 0x88300000 | 1048576 | 1048576 | 1048576 | 000C |
5 | 0x08400000 | 4194304 | 4194304 | 4194304 | 000F |
6 | 0x08800000 | 54525952 | 54509568 | 54509568 | 000F |
8 | 0x8BC00000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 000C |
11 | 0x8BC00000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 000C |
Note the 54509568 (~52MB) in the MAXFREE column -- that's the important
part; Aquaria needs a partition with at least 46MB free in a single block."
I followed his advice and the data showed on the attached image (psplink aquaria.png) confirms Andrew Church thoughts
All in all, there is not enough free RAM available (only 25MB or so) to play
Aquaria (requires 52 MB) on psp's with 6.39-pro10fix1, 6.39-9.7 me and 6.39-pro
Original issue reported on by [email protected]
on 9 Apr 2012 at 6:16
- [psplink aquaria.PNG]( aquaria.PNG)
Did you remember to disable all your plugins ?
Original comment by piotrekhenry
on 12 Apr 2012 at 7:19
Of course. I disabled all my game plugins inside
Recovery menu -> Advanced -> Game plugin Disabled.
I tested so many times "Unlock Memory in PSP Games" enabled and disabled.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 12 Apr 2012 at 8:22
I must admit I have the same issue on my PSP 3004.
Tested it with 6.20 PRO-B10.fix and with 6.20 PRO Nightly build.
Original comment by piotrekhenry
on 13 Apr 2012 at 5:38
Perhaps the method to unlock extra RAM in 2g+ psp models does not work very
well at all, or at least has some issues.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 13 Apr 2012 at 3:44
The memory unlocker is 100% working.
Maybe this plugin needs that the memory stays in the kmem partition and not in
the usermem partition as the procfw does.
Ask the author if he only uses user memory or both kernel and user memory.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 28 Jun 2012 at 2:33
- Changed title: Aquaria not working (memory lacking) 6.39 pro-b10fix1
Here is the answer from Andrew Church himself about Aquaria's psp memory
Aquaria uses only user memory, but it requires a contiguous user memory
partition of at least 52MB in size (e.g., 0x8800000-0xBC00000).
Original comment by [email protected]
on 29 Jun 2012 at 2:35
How is this supposed to work then?
There is no PSP that I know of, which has 52mb of user memory.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 4 May 2014 at 12:30
Aquaria apparently works on a PSP slim (2000) with CFW 5.00 M33. There is also
this info at wololo's site:
Original comment by [email protected]
on 4 May 2014 at 4:10
I guess this game uses the UMD cache memory from the PSP slim. Have you tried
to disable the ISO cache? (it uses the cache memory region) or enabling "Force
high memory layout"?
Original comment by [email protected]
on 14 May 2014 at 3:38
Yes. I tested today Aquaria in my PSP go (PSP-N1001) on CFW 6.60 PRO-C2 with
all plugins disabled (GAME, XMB and POPS) together with ISO cache disabled and
"Force high memory layout" enabled. Unfortunately, I have the same outcome:
When I start the game, the system returns to XMB. However, Andrew Church and
wololo say it works on CFW 5.00 M33. I cannot test it myself because I own only
a PSP fat and a PSP go.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 14 May 2014 at 5:37