ESP32_Alexa copied to clipboard
An Alexa Smart Speaker project for the ESP32.
ESP32 Alexa Client
This is a work in progress version of an Alexa client.
- Voice Recognition: done
- Wakeword Engine: TODO
- Audio Player: TODO
- Alerts: TODO
Before Configuring you need to execute this command from within the /ESP32-Alexa folder.
git submodule init && git submodule update
Configure the project via menuconfig, there is an "Alexa config" menu.
Alexa Authentication
You need to have an authentication token.
- write down your ESP32's MAC address, its printed to the console on startup
- go to and create a new authentication token
- enter that token into the configuration option via menuconfig
How To Use It
Once everything is setup, let it boot. A maniacal laugh will confirm that it is ready to receive orders. Press the GPIO0 button on your dev board to activate the microphone.
Downloading Required Software
Get the SDK:
git clone
cd esp-idf
git submodule update --init
Set the IDF_PATH environment variable, and point it to this directory.
export IDF_PATH=/path/to/esp-idf
Download the toolchain from: You will need version 5.2.0. Add /path/to/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin to your PATH:
export PATH=/path/to/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin:$PATH
Clone this repository:
git clone
cd ESP32_Alexa/
git submodule init && git submodule update
Execute 'make menuconfig' and configure your serial port, leave the rest at default settings and then execute 'make flash'.
Connecting the I2S codec
If you don't know about the I2S standard, it is a special protocol for transferring digital audio data between chips, similar to I2C. There are many I2S chips you can choose from, the most important differences are:
- Amplification: some chips only decode the audio to a low analog level, so you need a separate amp, but some also have a built-in amplifier. Most of these 2-in-1 chips are made for smartphones so their energy output is in the range of 2-4W, but some other ones made for domestic audio appliances can go a lot higher.
- MCLK: this is a separate clock signal that sometimes needs to be a precise number in the MHz range that depends on the current sample rate, sometimes can be a single constant value ("asynchronous") independent of the current sample rate, and sometimes is not required at all. The ESP32 does not output a MCLK signal, so a chip that does not require MCLK is most convenient. If you already have an asynchronous one lying around (e.g. ES9023), you will need a quartz oscillator, usually in the range of 20-50MHz.
I tested several I2S codecs, and was happiest with the MAX98357A, because it does not require MCLCK and also amplifies the audio to speaker levels. It also seemed to be more immune to signal integrity issues, which do occur on breadboards. There is a convenient breakout board from Adafruit: However, any I2S codec should work.
Generic wiring:
ESP pin - I2S signal
If you're using the MAX98357A, connect GND to ground and Vin to +5V (or +3.3V if +5V is unavailable). SD can remain unconnected, and GAIN too unless you want to make it louder or lower. I also recommend using a potentiometer for volume regulation.
Connecting the I2S microphone
Connect the I2S microphone like this:
ESP pin - I2S signal
These are known to work:
The ICS-43434 is higher quality than the SPH0645LM4H.
Connecting the Neopixels
You need two Neopixels, simply chain them and connect data to GPIO_NUM_4.
See this crappy video:
Purpose-Built Hardware
Microwavemont, the worlds fastest maker cavy, made a board specifically for this project. I can confirm it works out of the box! Get it here:
Mozilla Public License 2.0. Here is a summary of what this means: