react-flow-chart copied to clipboard
Cannot use namespace 'DraggableData' as a type.
I'm trying to run react-flow-chart without story book.
I created a typescript app using create-react-app my-app --template typescript and then installed packages as mentioned in react-flow-chart library, and then got into this issue :-
I am getting these issues, no idea why..
- Cannot use namespace 'DraggableData' as a type.
- JSX element type 'Draggable' does not have any construct or call signatures.
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source code ..
import * as React from "react"; import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import * as Draggable from "react-draggable"; import * as DraggableData from "react-draggable"; import ResizeObserver from "react-resize-observer"; import { IConfig, ILink, INode, INodeInnerDefaultProps, IOnDragNode, IOnDragNodeStop, IOnLinkCancel, IOnLinkComplete, IOnLinkMove, IOnLinkStart, IOnNodeClick, IOnNodeDoubleClick, IOnNodeMouseEnter, IOnNodeMouseLeave, IOnNodeSizeChange, IOnPortPositionChange, IPortDefaultProps, IPortsDefaultProps, IPosition, ISelectedOrHovered, ISize, PortWrapper, } from "../../"; import { noop } from "../../utils"; import { INodeDefaultProps, NodeDefault } from "./Node.default";
export interface INodeWrapperProps { config: IConfig; node: INode; Component: React.FunctionComponent<INodeDefaultProps>; offset: IPosition; selected: ISelectedOrHovered | undefined; hovered: ISelectedOrHovered | undefined; selectedLink: ILink | undefined; hoveredLink: ILink | undefined; isSelected: boolean; NodeInner: React.FunctionComponent<INodeInnerDefaultProps>; Ports: React.FunctionComponent<IPortsDefaultProps>; Port: React.FunctionComponent<IPortDefaultProps>; onPortPositionChange: IOnPortPositionChange; onLinkStart: IOnLinkStart; onLinkMove: IOnLinkMove; onLinkComplete: IOnLinkComplete; onLinkCancel: IOnLinkCancel; onDragNode: IOnDragNode; onDragNodeStop: IOnDragNodeStop; onNodeClick: IOnNodeClick; onNodeDoubleClick: IOnNodeDoubleClick; onNodeSizeChange: IOnNodeSizeChange; onNodeMouseEnter: IOnNodeMouseEnter; onNodeMouseLeave: IOnNodeMouseLeave; }
export const NodeWrapper = ({ config, node, onDragNode, onDragNodeStop, onNodeClick, onNodeDoubleClick, isSelected, Component = NodeDefault, onNodeSizeChange, onNodeMouseEnter, onNodeMouseLeave, NodeInner, Ports, Port, offset, selected, selectedLink, hovered, hoveredLink, onPortPositionChange, onLinkStart, onLinkMove, onLinkComplete, onLinkCancel, }: INodeWrapperProps) => { const [size, setSize] = React.useState<ISize>({ width: 0, height: 0 });
const isDragging = React.useRef(false);
const onStart = React.useCallback((e: MouseEvent) => { // Stop propagation so the canvas does not move e.stopPropagation(); isDragging.current = false; }, []);
const onDrag = React.useCallback( (event: MouseEvent, data: DraggableData) => { isDragging.current = true; onDragNode({ config, event, data, id: }); }, [onDragNode, config,] );
const onStop = React.useCallback( (event: MouseEvent, data: DraggableData) => { onDragNodeStop({ config, event, data, id: }); }, [onDragNodeStop, config,] );
const onClick = React.useCallback( (e: React.MouseEvent) => { if (!config.readonly) { e.stopPropagation(); if (!isDragging.current) { onNodeClick({ config, nodeId: }); } } }, [config,] );
const onDoubleClick = React.useCallback( (e: React.MouseEvent) => { if (!config.readonly) { e.stopPropagation(); if (!isDragging.current) { onNodeDoubleClick({ config, nodeId: }); } } }, [config,] );
const onMouseEnter = React.useCallback(() => { onNodeMouseEnter({ config, nodeId: }); }, [config,]);
const onMouseLeave = React.useCallback(() => { onNodeMouseLeave({ config, nodeId: }); }, [config,]);
const compRef = React.useRef<HTMLElement>(null);
// TODO: probably should add an observer to track node component size changes React.useLayoutEffect(() => { const el = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(compRef.current) as HTMLInputElement; if (el) { if ( (node.size && node.size.width) !== el.offsetWidth || (node.size && node.size.height) !== el.offsetHeight ) { const newSize = { width: el.offsetWidth, height: el.offsetHeight }; setSize(newSize); onNodeSizeChange({ config, nodeId:, size: newSize }); } } }, [node, compRef.current, size.width, size.height]);
const children = ( <> <ResizeObserver onResize={(rect) => { const newSize = { width: rect.width, height: rect.height }; setSize(newSize); }} /> <NodeInner node={node} config={config} /> <Ports node={node} config={config}> {Object.keys(node.ports).map((portId) => ( <PortWrapper config={config} key={portId} offset={offset} selected={selected} selectedLink={selectedLink} hoveredLink={hoveredLink} hovered={hovered} node={node} port={node.ports[portId]} Component={Port} onPortPositionChange={onPortPositionChange} onLinkStart={config.readonly ? noop : onLinkStart} onLinkMove={config.readonly ? noop : onLinkMove} onLinkComplete={onLinkComplete} onLinkCancel={onLinkCancel} /> ))} </Ports> </> );
return ( <Draggable bounds="parent" axis="both" position={node.position} grid={[1, 1]} onStart={onStart} onDrag={onDrag} onStop={onStop} disabled={config.readonly} > <Component config={config} ref={compRef} children={children} onClick={onClick} onDoubleClick={onDoubleClick} onMouseEnter={onMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={onMouseLeave} isSelected={isSelected} node={node} /> </Draggable> ); };
Using Typescript..
This is an urgent issue for an ongoing project. Any help asap would be highly appreciated.