psinline copied to clipboard
in-process powershell runner for BRC4
BOF compatible with BRC4, for executing powershell directly in current process memory, avoiding process injections. Takes as input PS.exe, an assembly running base64-encoded powershell commands. Code mostly taken from Havoc, for hardware breakpoints and InlineExecute-Assembly for running assemblies through BOF.
How it works
Takes as input the following parameters:
- PS.exe: Assembly that executes base64 encoded powershell
- Powershell script: A powershell script (.ps1 file). In case you don't need to provide it, you can just create a dummy powershell script with just one line.
- powershell command.
The BOF concatenates your powershell command to the powershell script, base64 encode the concatenation and finally pass the base64 blob as argument to PS.exe that executes it. It uses hardware breakpoints for AMSI/ETW bypass.
Be careful that psinline accepts ASCII and may have issues with other encodings. In case you have issues with loading scripts like PowerUpSQL.ps1, open the script in VSCode, select all, copy all and then paste in a new file. The new file now should be ASCII encoded, and psinline accepts it.
How to build
For building the BOF just run:
make -f MakeFile release
For building the debug version run:
make -f MakeFile debug
For building PS.exe import it in visual studio and compile release version.
Pre-Compiled binaries
Pre-compiled binaries are available in the release package.
Run PowerView cmdlet
First use coff_args to set PowerView.ps1 as powershell script to load and then use coffexec to execute Get-NetLocalGroup:
=> set_coffargs /path/to/PS.exe /path/to/PowerView.ps1
2023/09/25 13:51:49 CEST [sent 1842868 bytes]
[*] CoffExec Arguments Updated
=> coffexec /path/to/psinline.x64.o Get-NetLocalGroup | fl *
2023/09/25 13:52:35 CEST [sent 41592 bytes]
[*] Task-0 [Thread: 6164]
[*] Coffexec Output:
[*] Using .NET version v4.0.30319
ComputerName : DESKTOP-URP43TK
GroupName : Access Control Assistance Operators
Comment : Members of this group can remotely query authorization attributes and permissions for resources on this
ComputerName : DESKTOP-URP43TK
GroupName : Administrators
Comment : Administrators have complete and unrestricted access to the computer/domain
[+] psinline Finished
Run generic powershell command
Set script to import a dummy powershell script and then run ls command with coffexec. You can find an example of dummy powershell script in the release package, named dummy.ps1:
=> set_coffargs /path/to/PS.exe /path/to/dummy.ps1
2023/09/25 14:28:26 CEST [sent 17032 bytes]
[*] CoffExec Arguments Updated
=> coffexec /home/kali/CLionProjects/psinline/psinline.x64.o ls
[*] Coffexec Output:
[*] Using .NET version v4.0.30319
Directory: C:\temp\inceptor\inceptor\inceptor
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 5/23/2023 12:07 AM artifacts
d----- 5/23/2023 12:07 AM certs
d----- 6/11/2023 9:14 AM compilers
d----- 6/2/2023 5:00 PM config
d----- 6/2/2023 5:00 PM converters
d----- 6/2/2023 5:00 PM demo
[+] psinline Finished
Everytime you launch psinline, wait for it to finish before launching it again. Having two threads running psinline at same time will break things and kill your process.