nonebot-plugin-send-anything-anywhere icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nonebot-plugin-send-anything-anywhere copied to clipboard

:arrow_up: Update all non-major dependencies

Open renovate[bot] opened this issue 6 months ago • 3 comments

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
@docusaurus/core (source) 3.1.0 -> 3.4.0 age adoption passing confidence
@docusaurus/module-type-aliases (source) 3.1.0 -> 3.4.0 age adoption passing confidence
@docusaurus/preset-classic (source) 3.1.0 -> 3.4.0 age adoption passing confidence
@docusaurus/tsconfig (source) 3.0.0 -> 3.4.0 age adoption passing confidence
@docusaurus/types (source) 3.1.0 -> 3.4.0 age adoption passing confidence
nonebot-adapter-satori ^0.10.2 -> ^0.10.2 || ^0.12.0 age adoption passing confidence
pytest-asyncio (changelog) ^0.20.2 -> ^0.20.2 || ^0.23.0 age adoption passing confidence
respx (source, changelog) ^0.20.2 -> ^0.20.2 || ^0.21.0 age adoption passing confidence
typescript (source) ~5.2.2 -> ~5.2.2 || ~5.5.0 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

facebook/docusaurus (@​docusaurus/core)


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:rocket: New Feature
  • create-docusaurus, docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-utils-validation, docusaurus-utils
  • docusaurus-theme-translations
  • docusaurus-plugin-client-redirects, docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-pwa, docusaurus-plugin-sitemap, docusaurus-theme-search-algolia, docusaurus-types, docusaurus-utils, docusaurus
  • docusaurus-module-type-aliases, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-common, docusaurus-types, docusaurus
:bug: Bug Fix
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-utils
  • docusaurus-theme-search-algolia
  • docusaurus-mdx-loader, docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-plugin-content-pages, docusaurus-utils
  • docusaurus-theme-translations
  • docusaurus
  • docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-common
    • #​10144 fix(theme): fix announcement bar layout shift due to missing storage key namespace (@​slorber)
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus
  • docusaurus-utils, docusaurus
  • docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-translations
    • #​10118 fix(theme-translations): fix missing pluralization for label DocCard.categoryDescription.plurals (@​slorber)
:memo: Documentation
:robot: Dependencies
Committers: 11


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:bug: Bug Fix
  • docusaurus-module-type-aliases, docusaurus
Committers: 1


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Failed release


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:rocket: New Feature
  • docusaurus-plugin-sitemap
  • docusaurus-mdx-loader, docusaurus-types, docusaurus
  • docusaurus
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-plugin-content-pages, docusaurus-plugin-debug, docusaurus-types, docusaurus
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-pages, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-common
:bug: Bug Fix
  • docusaurus-cssnano-preset, docusaurus-utils, docusaurus
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
  • docusaurus
    • #​10090 fix(core): docusaurus serve redirects should include the site /baseUrl/ prefix (@​slorber)
  • docusaurus-module-type-aliases, docusaurus-preset-classic, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-live-codeblock, docusaurus
  • docusaurus-theme-translations
  • docusaurus-theme-search-algolia
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus
    • #​10054 fix(core): sortRoutes shouldn't have a default baseUrl value, this led to a bug (@​slorber)
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-docs
  • docusaurus-utils
:running_woman: Performance
  • docusaurus
    • #​10060 refactor(core): optimize App entrypoint, it should not re-render when navigating (@​slorber)
:nail_care: Polish
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
  • docusaurus-theme-common
:memo: Documentation
:robot: Dependencies
:wrench: Maintenance
  • create-docusaurus, docusaurus-cssnano-preset, docusaurus-logger, docusaurus-mdx-loader, docusaurus-plugin-client-redirects, docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-plugin-content-pages, docusaurus-plugin-debug, docusaurus-plugin-google-analytics, docusaurus-plugin-google-gtag, docusaurus-plugin-google-tag-manager, docusaurus-plugin-ideal-image, docusaurus-plugin-pwa, docusaurus-plugin-sitemap, docusaurus-plugin-vercel-analytics, docusaurus-preset-classic, docusaurus-remark-plugin-npm2yarn, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-common, docusaurus-theme-live-codeblock, docusaurus-theme-mermaid, docusaurus-theme-search-algolia, docusaurus-theme-translations, docusaurus-utils-common, docusaurus-utils-validation, docusaurus-utils, docusaurus, eslint-plugin, lqip-loader, stylelint-copyright
  • Other
Committers: 20


Compare Source

:bug: Bug Fix
:memo: Documentation
:robot: Dependencies
Committers: 2


Compare Source

:rocket: New Feature
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-plugin-content-pages, docusaurus-plugin-sitemap, docusaurus-types, docusaurus-utils, docusaurus
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-common, docusaurus-utils-validation, docusaurus-utils
  • docusaurus-plugin-debug, docusaurus-types, docusaurus
  • docusaurus-theme-translations
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog
  • docusaurus
  • create-docusaurus, docusaurus-utils
  • docusaurus-plugin-vercel-analytics
  • docusaurus-mdx-loader
    • #​9684 feat(mdx-loader): the table-of-contents should display toc/headings of imported MDX partials (@​anatolykopyl)
:bug: Bug Fix
  • docusaurus-mdx-loader
    • #​9999 fix(mdx-loader): Ignore contentTitle coming after Markdown thematicBreak (@​slorber)
  • docusaurus-theme-search-algolia
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog
  • docusaurus-theme-classic
  • docusaurus-theme-translations
  • docusaurus-utils
  • docusaurus
    • #​9878 fix(core): fix default i18n calendar used, infer it from locale if possible (@​slorber)
    • #​9852 fix(core): ensure core error boundary is able to render theme layout (@​slorber)
  • docusaurus-remark-plugin-npm2yarn
    • #​9861 fix(remark-npm2yarn): update npm-to-yarn from 2.0.0 to 2.2.1, fix pnpm extra args syntax (@​OzakIOne)
  • docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-translations
:running_woman: Performance
  • docusaurus-types, docusaurus-utils, docusaurus
  • docusaurus-types, docusaurus
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-plugin-content-pages, docusaurus-types, docusaurus
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-utils
  • docusaurus
:nail_care: Polish
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-common
    • #​9868 refactor(theme): dates should be formatted on the client-side instead of in nodejs code (@​OzakIOne)
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-common, docusaurus-types
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-docs
    • #​9839 refactor(blog): improve doc global data hook error message + add doc warning to blogOnly mode (@​OzakIOne)
:memo: Documentation
:robot: Dependencies
:wrench: Maintenance
  • docusaurus-plugin-client-redirects, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-utils-common, docusaurus-utils-validation, docusaurus-utils, docusaurus
  • Other
  • docusaurus-plugin-content-blog, docusaurus-plugin-content-docs, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-common, docusaurus-utils
    • #​9963 refactor(docs,blog): last update timestamp should be in milliseconds instead of seconds (@​slorber)
Committers: 22


Compare Source

:bug: Bug Fix
  • docusaurus-types, docusaurus
    • #​9791 fix(core): broken links optimization behaves differently than non-optimized logic (@​slorber)
  • docusaurus
  • docusaurus-utils
  • create-docusaurus
  • docusaurus-theme-common
    • #​9727 fix(theme-common): fix missing code block MagicComments style in Visual Basic (.NET) 16 (@​tats-u)
  • docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-mermaid
  • docusaurus-module-type-aliases, docusaurus-theme-classic, docusaurus-theme-common, docusaurus-utils, docusaurus
:running_woman: Performance
:nail_care: Polish
Committers: 6
nonebot/adapter-satori (nonebot-adapter-satori)

v0.12.3: Adapter Satori 0.12.3

Compare Source

  • 修复 pydantic v1 兼容问题

Full Changelog:


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Full Changelog:


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Full Changelog:

v0.12.0: Adapter Satori 0.12.0

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该版本实现了 satori 协议 v1.1 版本的新增特性

Full Changelog:

v0.11.5: Adapter Satori 0.11.5

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  • 修复 Message += xxx 时错误构造

Full Changelog:

v0.11.4: Adapter Satori 0.11.4

Compare Source

  • 修复 Message(str) 的构造情况

Full Changelog:

v0.11.3: Adapter Satori 0.11.3

Compare Source

  • 调整 Message 构造

Full Changelog:

v0.11.2: Adapter Satori 0.11.2

Compare Source

  • 修复 MessageSegment.quoteMessageSegment.render_message

Full Changelog:

v0.11.1: Adapter Satori 0.11.1

Compare Source

  • 修复 Member 模型
  • 修复 check_reply

Full Changelog:

v0.11.0: Adapter Satori 0.11.0

Compare Source


  • MessageSegment 新增 children 属性,即现在所有消息段皆可拥有子元素
  • 消息段可用 xxx(...) 方式增加子元素
  • Message 增加一个 query 方法,用于递归查找所有符合类型的消息段


  • 修复 MessageEvent 处理 at 等元素后被还原的问题 #​17

Full Changelog:

pytest-dev/pytest-asyncio (pytest-asyncio)

v0.23.8: pytest-asyncio 0.23.8

Compare Source

0.23.8 (2024-07-17)

  • Fixes a bug that caused duplicate markers in async tests #​813

Known issues

As of v0.23, pytest-asyncio attaches an asyncio event loop to each item of the test suite (i.e. session, packages, modules, classes, functions) and allows tests to be run in those loops when marked accordingly. Pytest-asyncio currently assumes that async fixture scope is correlated with the new event loop scope. This prevents fixtures from being evaluated independently from the event loop scope and breaks some existing test suites (see #​706). For example, a test suite may require all fixtures and tests to run in the same event loop, but have async fixtures that are set up and torn down for each module. If you're affected by this issue, please continue using the v0.21 release, until it is resolved.

v0.23.7: pytest-asyncio 0.23.7

Compare Source

0.23.7 (2024-05-19)
  • Silence deprecation warnings about unclosed event loops that occurred with certain CPython patch releases #​817
Known issues

As of v0.23, pytest-asyncio attaches an asyncio event loop to each item of the test suite (i.e. session, packages, modules, classes, functions) and allows tests to be run in those loops when marked accordingly. Pytest-asyncio currently assumes that async fixture scope is correlated with the new event loop scope. This prevents fixtures from being evaluated independently from the event loop scope and breaks some existing test suites (see #​706). For example, a test suite may require all fixtures and tests to run in the same event loop, but have async fixtures that are set up and torn down for each module. If you're affected by this issue, please continue using the v0.21 release, until it is resolved.

v0.23.6: pytest-asyncio 0.23.6

Compare Source

0.23.6 (2024-03-19)

  • Fix compatibility with pytest 8.2 #​800

Known issues

As of v0.23, pytest-asyncio attaches an asyncio event loop to each item of the test suite (i.e. session, packages, modules, classes, functions) and allows tests to be run in those loops when marked accordingly. Pytest-asyncio currently assumes that async fixture scope is correlated with the new event loop scope. This prevents fixtures from being evaluated independently from the event loop scope and breaks some existing test suites (see #​706). For example, a test suite may require all fixtures and tests to run in the same event loop, but have async fixtures that are set up and torn down for each module. If you're affected by this issue, please continue using the v0.21 release, until it is resolved.

v0.23.5: pytest-asyncio 0.23.5

Compare Source

0.23.5 (2024-02-09)

  • Declare compatibility with pytest 8 #​737
  • Fix typing errors with recent versions of mypy #​769
  • Prevent DeprecationWarning about internal use of asyncio.get_event_loop() from affecting test cases #​757

Known issues

As of v0.23, pytest-asyncio attaches an asyncio event loop to each item of the test suite (i.e. session, packages, modules, classes, functions) and allows tests to be run in those loops when marked accordingly. Pytest-asyncio currently assumes that async fixture scope is correlated with the new event loop scope. This prevents fixtures from being evaluated independently from the event loop scope and breaks some existing test suites (see #​706). For example, a test suite may require all fixtures and tests to run in the same event loop, but have async fixtures that are set up and torn down for each module. If you're affected by this issue, please continue using the v0.21 release, until it is resolved.

v0.23.4: pytest-asyncio 0.23.4

Compare Source

0.23.4 (2024-01-28)

  • pytest-asyncio no longer imports additional, unrelated packages during test collection #​729
  • Addresses further issues that caused an internal pytest error during test collection
  • Declares incompatibility with pytest 8 #​737

v0.23.3: pytest-asyncio 0.23.3

Compare Source

0.23.3 (2024-01-01)

  • Fixes a bug that caused event loops to be closed prematurely when using async generator fixtures with class scope or wider in a function-scoped test #​706
  • Fixes various bugs that caused an internal pytest error during test collection #​711 #​713 #​719

Known issues

As of v0.23, pytest-asyncio attaches an asyncio event loop to each item of the test suite (i.e. session, packages, modules, classes, functions) and allows tests to be run in those loops when marked accordingly. Pytest-asyncio currently assumes that async fixture scope is correlated with the new event loop scope. This prevents fixtures from being evaluated independently from the event loop scope and breaks some existing test suites (see #​706). For example, a test suite may require all fixtures and tests to run in the same event loop, but have async fixtures that are set up and torn down for each module. If you're affected by this issue, please continue using the v0.21 release, until it is resolved.

v0.23.2: pytest-asyncio 0.23.2

Compare Source

0.23.2 (2023-12-04)

  • Fixes a bug that caused an internal pytest error when collecting .txt files #​703

v0.23.1: pytest-asyncio 0.23.1

Compare Source

0.23.1 (2023-12-03)

  • Fixes a bug that caused an internal pytest error when using module-level skips #​701

v0.23.0: pytest-asyncio 0.23.0

Compare Source

This release is backwards-compatible with v0.21. Changes are non-breaking, unless you upgrade from v0.22.

  • BREAKING: The asyncio_event_loop mark has been removed. Event loops with class, module, package, and session scopes can be requested via the scope keyword argument to the asyncio mark.
  • Introduces the event_loop_policy fixture which allows testing with non-default or multiple event loops #​662
  • Introduces pytest_asyncio.is_async_test which returns whether a test item is managed by pytest-asyncio #​376
  • Removes and pytest-trio, mypy, and flaky from the test dependencies #​620, #​674, #​678

v0.22.0: pytest-asyncio 0.22.0 (yanked)

Compare Source

This release deprecated event loop overrides, but didn't provide adequate replacement functionality for all relevant use cases. As such, the release was yanked from PyPI.

0.22.0 (2023-10-31)

  • Class-scoped and module-scoped event loops can be requested via the asyncio_event_loop mark. #​620
  • Deprecate redefinition of the event_loop fixture. #​587 Users requiring a class-scoped or module-scoped asyncio event loop for their tests should mark the corresponding class or module with asyncio_event_loop.
  • Test items based on asynchronous generators always exit with xfail status and emit a warning during the collection phase. This behavior is consistent with synchronous yield tests. #​642
  • Remove support for Python 3.7
  • Declare support for Python 3.12

v0.21.2: pytest-asyncio 0.21.2

Compare Source

0.21.2 (2024-04-29)

  • Fix compatibility with pytest 8.2. Backport of #​800 to pytest-asyncio v0.21 for users who are unable to upgrade to a more recent version (see #​706

v0.21.1: pytest-asyncio 0.21.1



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renovate[bot] avatar Jul 30 '24 05:07 renovate[bot]