mostly-adequate-guide copied to clipboard
chapter 12 Composition comp1 definition
I am trying to get my head around the section composition in chapter 12, and I don't understand how comp1 is working:
const comp1 = compose(sequence(Compose.of), map(Compose.of));
// Compose(Right([Identity(true)]))
The way I see it:
// Identity(Compose([Right(true)]))
// Compose(Identity([Right(true)])) !== Compose(Right([Identity(true)]))
Could you help me figure out what I am misunderstanding on this example?
I got stuck there too. same reason but I think comp1's result is Compose(Identity(Right([true]))) not Compose(Identity([Right(true)])) as you mentioned.
- map: Identity(Right([true])).map(Compose.of) -> Identity(Compose(Right([true])))
- sequence: Identity(Compose(Right([true]))).sequence(Compose.of) -> Identity(...).traverse(Compose.of, x => x) -> Compose(Right([true])).map(Identity.of) -> Compose(Identity(Right([true]))
const comp1 = compose(map(map(sequence(Compose.of))), map(sequence(Compose.of)), Compose.of);
const comp2 = (Fof, Gof) => compose(Compose.of, map(sequence(Gof)), sequence(Fof));
would be more rational I think.
This was confusing for me as well. I understand what it's doing step-by-step, but I don't get what this law is trying to say.
Given an initial nested functor, Identity (Maybe ([123]))
this functor has three layers:
- Identity
- Maybe
- Array
In comp1, we create a Compose functor using the inner value of Identity:
- Maybe
- Array
resulting into Identity (Compose (Maybe ([123])))
Then we swap the Identity and Compose functors.
However, since this is a Compose functor, I assume that
the order of functors inside the Compose functor need to be preserved,
therefore, instead of naively swapping Compose with Identity, such as
Compose (Identity (Maybe ([123])))
we move Compose to the place of Identity,
then move Identity to the "last" place of the Composed functors,
Compose (Maybe ([Identity (123)]))
So now compose has an additional functor from two to three:
- Maybe
- Array
- Identity (NEW, SWAPPED)
In comp2, we swap the outer layer of the given functor, resulting into
Maybe (Identity [123])
Then we swap the inner value of Maybe, resulting into
Maybe ([Identity 123])
Then we just wrap Compose directly,
Compose (Maybe ([Identity 123]))
#+begin_src js :noweb no-export :results code
<<js curry>>
<<js compose>>
<<js map>>
<<js sequence>>
<<js compose applicative>>
<<js identity traversable>>
<<js maybe traversable>>
<<js list traversable>>
// Compose.of :: x -> Compose F G x
const iofm = Identity.of(Maybe.of([123])) // Identity (Maybe [123])
const x = Compose.of(iofm) // Compose (Identity (Maybe ([123])))
// const comp1 =
// compose(sequence(Compose.of), map(Compose.of))
const y = map(Compose.of)(iofm) // Identity (Compose (Maybe ([123])))
const z = sequence(Compose.of)(y) // Compose (Maybe ([Identity (123)]))
// const comp2 = (Fof, Gof) =>
// compose(Compose.of, map(sequence(Gof)), sequence(Fof))
const a = sequence(Identity.of)(iofm) // Maybe (Identity [123])
const b = map(sequence(Maybe.of))(a) // Maybe ([Identity 123])
const c = Compose.of(b) // Compose (Maybe ([Identity 123]))
return {
#+begin_src js
x: Compose { val: Identity { val: [Maybe] } },
y: Identity { val: Compose { val: [Maybe] } },
z: Compose { val: Maybe { val: [Array] } },
a: Maybe { val: Identity { val: [Array] } },
b: Maybe { val: [ [Identity] ] },
c: Compose { val: Maybe { val: [Array] } }
full javascript code
const curry = (f) => {
const arity = f.length
return function currier(...args) {
if (args.length < arity) {
return currier.bind(null, ...args)
return f.apply(null, args)
const compose = (...fs) => (...args) => {
return fs.reduceRight(
(result, f) => [f.apply(null, result)],
// alternatively:
// return fs.reduceRight((result, f) => f.apply(null, [].concat(result)), args)
const map = curry((fn, f) =>
const sequence = curry((o, f) => f.sequence(o))
class Compose {
constructor(fgx) {
this.val = fgx
static of(fgx) {
return new Compose(fgx)
map(fn) {
const map = curry((fn, f) =>
// return new Compose( =>
return new Compose(map(map(fn), this.val))
ap(f) {
class Identity {
constructor(val) {
this.val = val
static of(val) {
return new Identity(val)
map(fn) {
return new Identity(fn(this.val))
join() {
return this.val
chain(fn) {
ap(f) {
sequence(_of) {
const id = (x) => x
return this.traverse(_of, id)
// evaluates to:
// return fn(this.val).map(Identity.of)
// which evaluates to:
// return
// equivalent form using ap:
// return Identity.of(Identity.of).ap(this.val)
traverse(_of, mfn) {
// 1. transform the value and
// return an applicative functor
const transformed = mfn(this.val)
// 1. wrap the value of the applicative functor
// with the traversable
const wrapped =
return wrapped
class Maybe {
constructor(val) {
this.val = val
static of(val) {
return new Maybe(val)
get isNothing() {
return this.val === null || this.val === undefined
map(fn) {
return this.isNothing ? this : new Maybe(fn(this.val))
join() {
return this.isNothing ? this : this.val
chain(fn) {
ap(f) {
sequence(_of) {
const id = (x) => x
return this.traverse(_of, id)
// evaluates to:
// return
traverse(of, fn) {
if(this.isNothing) {
return of(this)
// short version:
// return this.isNothing ? of(this) : fn(this.val).map(Maybe.of)
// 1. take out the value of the traversable
const unwrapped = this.val
// 2. apply the monadic function to the
// unwrapped value. note that this should
// return a wrapped value of an applicative
const transformed = fn(unwrapped)
// 3. wrap back the value of the transformed wrapper
// to the traversable. since in step #1 we
// unwrapped the value, we have to wrap it back
// afterwards
const rewrapped =
return rewrapped
class List {
constructor(vals) {
this.val = vals
static of(val) {
return new List([val])
concat(val) {
return new List(this.val.concat(val))
map(fn) {
return new List(
sequence(of) {
const id = (x) => x
return this.traverse(_of, id)
// of() must return an applicative
// fn() must return the same type as of()
traverse(of, fn) {
return this.val.reduce(
// (f, a) => fn(a).map(b => bs => bs.concat(b)).ap(f),
(f, a) => {
// 1. wrap the unwrapped traversable values
// using the monadic function and
// return an applicative functor
const transformed = fn(a)
// 2. create a function with the first argument as
// the applicative functor's value, i.e.,
// =a= will be passed to =b=
const mapped = => bs => bs.concat(b))
// 3. apply the accumulator which is an applicative functor
// as the last argument to the function in #2.
// as a result, this will unwrap it, passing List() to bs
const applied = mapped.ap(f)
return applied
of(new List([]))
// Compose.of :: x -> Compose F G x
const iofm = Identity.of(Maybe.of([123])) // Identity (Maybe [123])
const x = Compose.of(iofm) // Compose (Identity (Maybe ([123])))
// const comp1 =
// compose(sequence(Compose.of), map(Compose.of))
const y = map(Compose.of)(iofm) // Identity (Compose (Maybe ([123])))
const z = sequence(Compose.of)(y) // Compose (Maybe ([Identity (123)]))
// const comp2 = (Fof, Gof) =>
// compose(Compose.of, map(sequence(Gof)), sequence(Fof))
const a = sequence(Identity.of)(iofm) // Maybe (Identity [123])
const b = map(sequence(Maybe.of))(a) // Maybe ([Identity 123])
const c = Compose.of(b) // Compose (Maybe ([Identity 123]))
return {
@sevillaarvin is right, because map
is called on Compose
, which reaches two layers deep into the functor, both results are indeed Compose(Right([Identity(true)]))
. So comp1
is correct.
Because traverse(f) === compose(sequence, map(f))
(this wasn't really made obvious in the book), the composition law is equivalent to saying traverse(compose(Compose.of, map(g), f)) === compose(Compose.of, map(traverse(g)), traverse(f))
. (One traversal of the composition is equivalent to traversing twice individually)
@sevillaarvin @lachrymaLF thanks for helping me out!