
Results 143 comments of MostHated

When I launch the project with these changes, it crashes. ![](

Should I keep OnEnable and OnDisable commented out, or reenable them first?

Ok, like this? ```cs internal class PropertyEditorPatch : PatchBase { protected override IEnumerable GetPatches() { yield break; var onEnable = AccessTools.Method(PropertyEditorRef.type, "OnEnable"); var onDisable = AccessTools.Method(PropertyEditorRef.type, "OnDisable"); var rebuildContent =...

Ok, so with that patch skipped, the editor open, you then want me to remove the skip but keep the yield break; and then recompile?

Ok, so, I removed the skip, removed the yield, and recompiled and it crashed.

I dont see anything with the name of RebuildToolbar within PropertyEditorPatch? --- Edit, oh, sorry, did you mean ```cs void RebuildToolbar() { toolbar?.Rebuild(this); } ``` in Base/SmartInspector?

Using the "right-click copy image link" method, will that make it so someone can only view that particular image? I was wanting to get away from imgur, but also retain...

I just went in and modified the things I needed and all is well.

Shoot, it's been a while since I last had to mess with that application. I barely remember much about it, I would have to try and do some digging. I...

Just one quick note on it, I am pretty sure I had to clone the repo, then added it to the project as a local package, and modified the source...