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A small tcp server working under Mono or .NET (4.0) and provides hooks for handling data exchange with clients (works under mono and .net). Behaviour/protocol/reaction could be specified via custom C#...



A small tcp server working under Mono or .NET (4.0) and provides hooks for handling data exchange with MULTIPLE clients (works under mono and .net) and BEHAVIOUR CUSTOMIZATION via C# SCRIPT. It was fully tested with NUnit Tests on single and multi client (parallel) exchange.

Also we written 2 simple implementations (protocols) over ITcpServer in separate project: Echo server (RFC 862) Time server (RFC 868)




/Console is a console project with management console (build for FlexibleTcpServer working with scripts) /GUI is a Windows Forms Tool for management server (build for FlexibleTcpServer working with scripts) /TinyTcpServer is a solution with server interface and it extensions (differnt implementation) including FlexibleTcpServer





private const String LocalIpAddress = ""; 
private const UInt16 ServerPort = 8044;   
private const String Script = @"..\..\TestScripts\SimpleScript.cs";
private ITcpServer _server;

public void Init()
    CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions();
    CSharpCodeProvider provider = new CSharpCodeProvider(new Dictionary<String, String>()
        {"CompilerVersion", "v4.0"}
    options.Parameters = new CompilerParameters(new string[] {"System.Web"});
    options.Parameters.GenerateExecutable = false;
    options.Parameters.GenerateInMemory = true;
    options.ScriptEntryType = "TestEchoScript.EchoScript";
    _server = new FlexibleTcpServer(Script, LocalIpAddress, ServerPort);    


/*That is all ! all logics is inside you script There are requirement to presence of initial class and entry method. Full examples could be found in

  • MossbauerLab.TinyTcpServer.Core.FunctionalTests/Server/TestFlexibleTcpServer.cs
  • In Console and GUI projects with Utils class for getting CompilerOptions and TcpServerConfig from very simple files (Key=Value) */


 public class ServerScript
     public void Init(ref ITcpServer server)
         if(server == null)
             throw new NullReferenceException("server");
         _server = server;
         _connectHandlerId = Guid.NewGuid();
         _dataHandlerId = Guid.NewGuid();
         _server.AddConnectionHandler(_connectHandlerId, OnClientConnection);
         _server.AddHandler(new TcpClientHandlerInfo(_dataHandlerId), OnClientExchange);
     // ...

 // in this method we set up handlers
 // Handlers on Connect and Exchange looks like:
 public Byte[] OnClientExchange(Byte[] receivedData, TcpClientHandlerInfo info)
     lock (receivedData)
         Byte[] outputData = new Byte[receivedData.Length];
         Array.Copy(receivedData, outputData, receivedData.Length);
         return outputData;
 // connect true if client connected and false if disconnected 
 public void OnClientConnection(TcpClientContext context, Boolean connect)  


Full example present (in file SimpleScript inside MossbauerLab.TinyTcpServer.FunctionalTests

5 Expanded setting

There are additional settings for TcpServer -> see class TcpServerSettings.cs (MossbauerLab.TinyTcpServer.Core) In Console project there is a class that could parse config ftle (key=value) with that settings class is TcpServerConfigBuilder

it handles file, examples of settings: `

 # number of clients processing the 'same time'
 ParallelTask = 256
 # buffer on receive for every client (in bytes)
 ClientBufferSize = 65535
 # chunk is a auant of size for read and write operations
 ChunkSize = 4096
 # number of times in a row that calls BeginAccept (in a sepatarate from IO processing thread)
 ClientConnectAttempts = 4
 # time while client stays inactive, after this time is off (in seconds) client will be disconneced by server
 ClientInactivityTime = 120
 # timeout for BeginAccept in milliseconds
 ClientConnectTimeout = 1000
 # number of attempts in a row to get data from client
 ClientReadAttempts = 8
 # timeout in milliseconds on every read attemp 
 ReadTimeout = 200
 # timeout in milliseconds for server to shutdown, close all opened resources
 ServerCloseTimeout = 2000
 # timeout in milliseconds to complete write operation
 WriteTimeout = 1000 



 EvilLord666 aka Ushakov Michael
 KatanaZZZ aka Anonymous