MGSwipeTableCell copied to clipboard
how to disable multi swipe at one time
as title describe
Kinda got it to work. I only cared about right sided buttons, so made changes to handle just that situation. Also for MailAppDemoSwift demo project. I ended up adding logic to MailViewController.swift and made few changes to MGSwipeTableCell.m file.
for MailViewController.swift add this to the top, below other variables
var swipedCell: UITableViewCell?
remove the deprecated method
func swipeTableCell(_ cell: MGSwipeTableCell, canSwipe direction: MGSwipeDirection) -> Bool {}
add these, they are with logs so you can see what is called when
func swipeTableCell(_ cell: MGSwipeTableCell, canSwipe direction: MGSwipeDirection, from point: CGPoint) -> Bool {
if direction == .leftToRight { return false } // only care about .rightToLeft
if self.swipedCell == nil {
self.swipedCell = cell
if let indexPath = self.tableView.indexPath(for: cell) {
print ("allow swipe row \(indexPath.row) - \(direction == .leftToRight ? "leftToRight" : "rightToLeft")")
return true
else if self.swipedCell == cell { // since when cell calls this delegate method, if check for both swipe directions
if let indexPath = self.tableView.indexPath(for: cell) {
print ("allow swipe row \(indexPath.row) - \(direction == .leftToRight ? "leftToRight" : "rightToLeft")")
return true
if let indexPath = self.tableView.indexPath(for: cell) {
print ("NAAAH to swipe row \(indexPath.row) - \(direction == .leftToRight ? "leftToRight" : "rightToLeft")")
return false
func swipeTableCellWillEndSwiping(_ cell: MGSwipeTableCell) {
self.swipedCell = nil
if let indexPath = self.tableView.indexPath(for: cell) {
print (" end swiping row \(indexPath.row)")
func swipeTableCellWillBeginSwiping(_ cell: MGSwipeTableCell) {
if let indexPath = self.tableView.indexPath(for: cell) {
print (" begin swiping row \(indexPath.row)")
func swipeTableCell(_ cell: MGSwipeTableCell, tappedButtonAt index: Int, direction: MGSwipeDirection, fromExpansion: Bool) -> Bool {
self.swipedCell = nil
if let indexPath = self.tableView.indexPath(for: cell) {
print("row \(indexPath.row) colapse: [button at index\(index)] from exp: \(fromExpansion)")
return true
And for MGSwipeTableCell.m, I replaced the code after the "make a decision according to existing buttons..." (about line 1310 tip 1329) with one below. Replaced it since it did two swipeTableCell:canSwipe:fromPoint delegate calls per cell for both MGSwipeDirection, even though it that should never be the case. Those two delegate calls messed with logic I added to MailViewController.swift file.
if (translation.x > 0) {
if (_delegate && [_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(swipeTableCell:canSwipe:fromPoint:)]) {
CGPoint point = [_panRecognizer locationInView:self];
_allowSwipeLeftToRight = [_delegate swipeTableCell:self canSwipe:MGSwipeDirectionLeftToRight fromPoint:point];
else if (_delegate && [_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(swipeTableCell:canSwipe:)]) {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
_allowSwipeLeftToRight = [_delegate swipeTableCell:self canSwipe:MGSwipeDirectionLeftToRight];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
else {
[self fetchButtonsIfNeeded];
_allowSwipeLeftToRight = _leftButtons.count > 0;
return _allowSwipeLeftToRight;
else if (translation.x < 0) {
if (_delegate && [_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(swipeTableCell:canSwipe:fromPoint:)]) {
CGPoint point = [_panRecognizer locationInView:self];
_allowSwipeRightToLeft = [_delegate swipeTableCell:self canSwipe:MGSwipeDirectionRightToLeft fromPoint:point];
else if (_delegate && [_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(swipeTableCell:canSwipe:)]) {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
_allowSwipeRightToLeft = [_delegate swipeTableCell:self canSwipe:MGSwipeDirectionRightToLeft];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
else {
[self fetchButtonsIfNeeded];
_allowSwipeRightToLeft = _rightButtons.count > 0;
return _allowSwipeRightToLeft;
else {
_allowSwipeLeftToRight = NO;
_allowSwipeRightToLeft = NO;
return NO;
Hopefully this didn't break anything.
Any thoughs @MortimerGoro ?
Hey, any updates on this?